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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. Always thought Rory Mhor was a cracker cruiser. Bit on the large size but well kitted and priced. https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1821456278
  2. I would be keen just need another 15 or so @ $100pp or more the merrier and cheaper Maybe Crew.org xmas bash. https://www.trademe.co.nz/travel-events-activities/activities/listing-1820130677.htm
  3. Crikey, it is a bloody shame that we will not see these kiwi built 50,s fanging around the Waitemata.
  4. Crikey, I think Jimmy Spithill is about to announce he has signed with the Saudi backed Jamal Khashoggi Memorial AC syndicate. Here is a shot of him secretly training in a Dhow. Now this is a Dhow regatta.
  5. Burnsco and Smart Marine stock pot holders. You may have to make some modifications to suit your cooker.
  6. You have to wonder why this set up exists.
  7. Meanwhile out in the real world. Hottie 1 I like really need a real man. Hottie 2 Yeah like duh one who so really knows which bits go where. Hottie 3 OMG that ample proportioned stunning specimen on the bicycle certainly looks like he has more than a few clues so like let’s muster the courage to entice him to share with all three of us his worldly skills and experiences.
  8. Painting by A Blake. Ranger" and "Rainbow" - 1939 Auckland Anniversary Regatta The 1939 Auckland Anniversary Regatta was held on February 4th, 1939. Gale force easterlies had delayed the regatta one week. The first time this had happened in 89 years. On February 4th a fresh easterley was blowing against an outgoing tide, creating very rough conditions in the harbour. The "A" Division started at 11am. Flagship for the day was the steam tug William C. Daldy, with the Governor General Viscount Galway aboard. The painting depicts the start of the race. Stanley Point is visible in the
  9. Another remarkable home build by the Tercel brothers. Ranger A22 built in Ponsonby Terrace 1939-1939 down the side of the family home which included a portion of land that was once used as a “rope walk”for twisting warps and ropes. The “walk” carried on through Ponsonby Terrace and into Cowan St.
  10. Priscilla II


    Lifted from Waitematawoodys. Remarkable post war build by some young fellas. She would be a great addition to the classic Auckland fleet. https://waitematawoodys.com/2018/10/21/leda-a26/
  11. Wait until the "you and me" crowd funded Sky Path arrives. That junction is going to need traffic lights.
  12. Just pointing out all of the multitude of variables of differentiating materials that lurk in that portion of ones vessel. Bloody heaps.
  13. KM you come across like some curmudgeon ancient dinosaur. The promenade has brought life and vitality and hotties to staid old Westhaven. Crikey I too have made the conversion to being a Mamil and it is not entirely down to the rising price of gas. As to a 8 year old boy getting slain by a lithe lycra hottie in a fatal low speed promenade incident well I can think of worserer ways to perish.
  14. Need to add to the underwater party copper in your anti foul and hull fastenings if applicable along with red lead primer.
  15. CH ,Noel is most correct as usual. Try attaching a voltmeter to the stern gland and ground. You may well be surprised. Busy little dissimilar metal convention going on in that part of your yacht. Stainless shaft with zinc anode and bronze stuffing box with prop attached to cast iron or alloy gearbox / engine.all held together with timber permanently immersed in salt water. You can bore a few shallow holes around the gland to syringe in the vinegar to assist with penetration.
  16. Earth bonding straps just create a circuit on wooden boats so are a no no. https://waitematawoodys.com/2015/05/15/electrochemical-damage-to-wood-the-marine-version-of-leaky-homes/ Also it is well worth checking neighbouring moored vessels as I have experienced fizzing and suspected the source was from a nearby launch who had alarming amounts of electrolysis in both stern gear and props.
  17. Ahh, fresh Kashoggi Kahawai a Saudi delicacy I believe.
  18. Anybody brought Lux solar panels. Looking for smaller semi flexible 50w single panel and controller just to keep batteries happy when not in use.
  19. Add the venerable Davidson 28 and Wright Lotus 9.2 to the list.
  20. While you are at it have a look at a Cavalier 32 and a Townson 32. As to speed the H28 will be slower than a Easterly which will be slower than a Cav which will be slower than a Townson
  21. The lanyard improves the survival opportunities for the bucket.... Buckets have lives too.
  22. Care to expand on the unnecessary 10k cost.
  23. The Eden Park Trust board numbers nine of which five are central government appointees. The government wrote off its 2011 world cup development contribution and would prefer to see the stadium and risks pass to Auckland City. The stadium owes $50 mil to the CBA and only just meets interest costs, this debt has Auckland City as sole guarantor. Eden Park assets are ripe for the plundering and the future does not look bright. As for POAL vacating the waterfront look to a minimum 30 years of same same. Winnie the Pooh is going to be a plaque on a wall hopefully somewhere well away from mi
  24. https://www.sailfeed.com/2018/09/laura-dekkers-guppy-wrecked-on-a-reef-in-the-cook-islands/
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