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Everything posted by harrytom

  1. A mate built his in the 80s using East system,cheaper than west,same product. I purchased a real good fairing compound early 90s resimax,3m I think,gone now. As mentioned earlier Foodstuff group or countdown there is no choice as market has diminished. How many backyard builds do you see now??
  2. disagree with you but thats fine,personal choice
  3. Have read a lot about PDFS and most countries consider them as an aid rather than a lifesaver. Never owned never will,forced to wear one once and never again. Why muck around blowing in to tube or pulling a string ,when in the water I want something that works straight away even if unconscience.Yes may say inflate automatic,but do they in time of need.Below is just one example of many coastguard etc https://www.boatus.org/life-jackets/types Currently, there aren't any Coast Guard approved Type I inflatable PFD's available to the general public.Good for protected, inland
  4. The idea of a lifejacket is to a roll an unconscience person to their back and lift head out of water. Which INFLATABLES do not.
  5. Do not forget Panmure basin lagoon.under the mud is a volcanic cap.last examined 2009
  6. I see the pop up has been removed,does that mean show will go on??
  7. Is the show going ahead as we havent change to ORANGE light as of the 4th April 2022 https://boatshow.co.nz/2022-boat-show-public-newsletter-3-2/?fbclid=IwAR3Suo3Isp_iBOxEkfoRNC37XXiai_6yPDzjfmpqGq8o930kCagZTXHpta8
  8. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/motorboats/listing/3540808576?member_hash=cececfc753cd88a05ffd06eba64d4f17e0624a5af9f4abba0b&tm=email&et=46&mt=6CB70731-55BF-4B0F-9B5E-30A9D6D321D1&bof=kqN6PqW7&fbclid=IwAR18okfDyJwBZF5NPxE_mPhENerkI96m6veL32OjkqJ-A9Ct7dzWfjGlY0A
  9. In the situation described. Unknown or number of vessels over, a general recall makes sense. Hmm got away with it last start lets try it again??
  10. Old boy told us a story of a sailing ship that hit rough rock,a barrel or something went overboard and a basking shark swallowed it.
  11. The whole sca1 is closed except a area by little barrier and western coromandel.Customary take is still allowed but reduced tonnage. https://www.mpi.govt.nz/dmsdocument/50542-Minister-for-Oceans-and-Fisheries-decision-letter-Review-of-sustainability-measures-for-selected-fish-stocks-April-2022-round Surveys carried out in 2021 show an overall decline in the biomass and abundance in both SCA 1 and SCA CS from historical levels, with substantive declines in many core scallop beds since the previous survey. It is considered that the current biomass and abundance of scallops in SCA 1 and
  12. Never enjoyed the cats or the hydrafoiling.Definatly gone for me. NZ last defence ever.
  13. Gull E10 blended fuel is not recommended for outboards as it varies to much,more than 10% often,BP 98 and mobil 98 are both ethonal based. I use z 95 as its petrol with additives in outboard(older 2s) my v6 is designed to run on ethonal but nah,uesed it once 13lt per 100km open rd 95 9.1lt Not sure what is in NPD 100 octane.
  14. Crack the fuel line at injector and crank motor,if fuel there should start,if no fuel it will bleeding ,think the govner has a release screw on it,crack turn motor over till fuel appears. close while stil cranking to avoid sucking air back. When did it last run as battery may turn engine over but not quick enough to cause compression of fuel at injector,comes out as a fine spray.but you wont see it unless taken injectors out for testing.
  15. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/3520761280?bof=910RHb8W Dude, you better get over to your yacht and check those lines.rebecca373(43) • 02:15 pm, Fri, 25 Mar B Yea one line came loose, all good now, luckily no damage
  16. When one looks at Harbour limits the one off ST Helliers is just the harbour boundary.
  17. This is an interesting one on T/M https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/motorboats/listing/3523238308?bof=VLzZyTrn
  18. Remember the "easy rider" on the Kaipara at the bar,rolled. Skipper under pressure from clients. Possibility??
  19. https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300504885/four-bodies-found-after-fishing-charter-vessel-hit-by-rogue-wave-in-far-north He said it appeared the vessel had been hit by a “rogue wave” near a reef. Its hull had “snapped in half” and the wheelhouse had been “ripped out”. It was a “miracle” anyone survived, he said.
  20. https://www.ravenyachts.com/raven31.htm
  21. correct stand there all day with box of matches and it wont ignite until you get a vapour
  22. harrytom

    UV Damage

    Clear hates the sun,look at imported cars ,particularly the plastic bits ,seems to peel off nicely.
  23. An old alcoholic reckoned its the dye that makes you go blind,so before drinking it,pour through an old stale loaf of bread😀 That a direct quote from the old hermit,"Snow Harris" many yrs ago when Mansion house bay had the pub. Knew my grandfather well but never elaborated on what they got up too.
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