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Deep Purple

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Everything posted by Deep Purple

  1. Deep Purple

    37th AC

    Yep - And the announcers were pathetic. Despite the frogs being out of the match at the start - they sailed a blinder, fast, closing all the time. A fact totally ignored by the announcers.
  2. Deep Purple

    37th AC

    So not really "dropped" and why is the forward cradle on such an angle? It looks like it was set there all the time. Maybe they pull it vertical once the foils are past it.
  3. Deep Purple


  4. Deep Purple

    37th AC

    Just like Auckland, this whole format is a joke.
  5. Deep Purple

    37th AC

    They wont be using their best foils at this stage anyway
  6. If it was up then someone is in a lot of trouble
  7. Press Release - May 2024 Regarding the NZ Herald Article published by Anne Gibson on 16/05/2024. As of 3rd May 2024, Hoppers have submitted an application to the Ministry of the Environment under the fast-track approval process. The application includes draft planning information for a proposed future Marina at Hobbs Bay. At this stage there is no detailed design or planning for this proposed Marina project. Hopper Developments recognises the need for additional access and launching facilities in the Hibiscus Coast area, as well as additional fixed mooring infrastructure acro
  8. Looks like the answer is coming - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/hopper-developments-plans-300-berth-marina-at-hobbs-bay-gulf-harbour/OCJTCTJBGRGN3EL4IISBSHGRGQ/
  9. Diver client of mine does ship cleaning out of Tauranga. Thats dried up as they are arriving cleaned and log market has collapsed He has a contract coming up cleaning Caulerpa off the bottom around Kawau
  10. Had a great race in the Gulf Classic and a good view of the HC Boats as they sailed to Torbay. So did the ship Hopefully no clash next year.
  11. We're doing gulf classic at maraetai
  12. Great event. They got 100+ boats, Quite a few local and Whangarei but also Tauranga and Whitianga Most of the "big" name Auckland 40's and 50's were there and solid fleets below. Weather, organisation, shore facilities, island party were superb.
  13. Most of the serious race boats were up at bay week until Friday night at least
  14. I presented a half model of Sundreamer i had made to the squadron a few years back.
  15. As someone told me once, there are only enough hours in the day for 2 5minute jobs
  16. I don't know who is running RAYC but they are running a sports boat regatta where all the sport boats have to comply with trailer yacht safety regulations part V and have a phrf https://rayc.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Under-26ft-Keelboats-RAYC-NOR-final.pdf
  17. Other than recent events, when/why did Akarana lose their way? Their winter series used to be the biggest game in town. Was it the loss of the tower?
  18. That Doyle release was a bit cryptic
  19. Very cool boat. I sailed a squaddy weekend round the island race on it once. Early 80's
  20. Everything looks about twice what i was paying 6-8 years ago on a variety of options
  21. My solution. Towbar since fitted to camper to create a racer/cruiser
  22. Wish i could be there. Planned to be after sitting out last year. Sadly whats left of the roads between whiti and auckland just don't allow it. See you next year
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