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Everything posted by LBD

  1. I was told many years ago... If you want to build a boat then build a boat, If you want to go sailing then buy a boat and go sailing, do not waste all that sailing time building a boat.... and I guess that advice also applies to buying a doer upper, avoid unless it is safe sound and can be enjoyed while you renovate. I have had a few boats and have many years in the marine industry... so when the boat I wanted came along, I bought it... in the first year I tackled maintenance items that needed doing, but went cruising in between. That still happens now, but there has been a shift from mos
  2. This mornings Nelson Marina fees update.... "Boat Ramp charges have been increased by 150% from $6 to $15 per use" That is a cut and paste....I am now waiting for a correction to come out.... I hope correction is changing $15 to $9 and not 150% to 250%
  3. One I prepared earlier... considering repurposing the pin rail into a shot glass holder....
  4. Heading out from Havelock the other morning... turned out to be one of those crystal clear days... no wind that day but some nice but fickle drafts on other days. First time into Tennyson and Elaine... lovely areas. Tucked up into a small cove... a sunset rum then a feed and nestled up by the diesel heater all toasted... Rinse and repeat for 8 days... just the tonic. Every anchorage to ourselves with only a hand full of pleasure boats to be seen.
  5. LBD


    Bit like stupidity....
  6. LBD

    Neat Video Links

    https://www.oceanumvela.net/the-ocean-race#:~:text=The first Ocean race&text=Some 17 boats carrying 167,headed south for Cape Town. The history of the race known as - Whitbread Round the World Race (1973-2001) - Volvo Ocean Race (2001-2019) - The Ocean Race (Upcoming in 2021-2022)
  7. Mine were fairly green also when I bought the boat from Bayswater.... but a year on with plenty of use around Nelson, sun and salt spray, they are looking nice and no green or red tinge to be seen.
  8. Use em more and let the sunlight/UV/dry air do the job for you naturally
  9. LBD

    Dark hull colour

    But then again.. how many black hulled yachts do you see sailing in pommy land actually get to see any sun with any heat? My kauri carvel planked hull is kept gloss white and I see very minimal seasonal movement...
  10. LBD

    Neat Video Links

    Leo from the Tally Ho restoration in a different role...
  11. Are there any Raymarine boffins out there? I have an Element 12S... and an ST60 depth display unit (I had speed log but now rely on GPS and have removed the paddle wheel assembly) I would like to remove the ST60 display unit and display depth data on the Element instead. I beleive I have the B45 transducer and I would also like to install a remote GPS receiver. I am happy with just a reliable depth reading on the screen with the GPS....(I may consider some fish finder function if there is little cost difference in my options.) I am not all that Tech savvy on this subject, s
  12. A light load in 35 kts is game, but at least the boat is on the hard not moving around.... Must be the season, my stick 2 weeks ago was 270 kg without all the rigging... 460kg all up
  13. Had a PLC operating system for one of the tour boats in Milford fail and the back up on the PC also failed. The second spare was on my laptop in Te Anau which I headed into Milford with. The tender driver nosed into the jetty and as I was stepping over, lap top case in one hand, he backed away early and rapidly... I do not recall the exact details other than the thought " The program is more important than me staying warm and dry"... as I was losing my balance I could have dropped the case, grabbed a rail and stayed warm and dry in a Fiordland winter, however I tossed the case into the te
  14. Found this.... https://forums.outdoorsdirectory.com/threads/opinions-on-a-wallas-stove.32400/
  15. Thanks K4309.. yes, know about Advance Trident... you can guarantee they would point me in the direction of a successful installation and happy customer... if you get my drift. I have lots of experience with conventinal diesel stoves and I have a Dickenson heater on board. They do not like any inclination so not suitable for this application... and they require a large vertical flue, and take too long to heat and cool, all in all they would not suit my boat.
  16. I am a reliability engineer.... by nature I am extremely risk averse.... its in my genes, as my Dad was the same. He told me buying quality is like buying oats for the horse, you either pay top dollar for top quality oats, or you can by oats that have already been through a horse, which you can buy much cheaper. But really, what I want to delve into is gimbling and possibly getting a two part set up, fixing the oven but gimbling the top.... as well as a general instalation chat with someone who has the experience.
  17. I am in a similar boat, wanting to loose LPG... but want to quiz some one with the experience first
  18. I am trying to find some one with a Wallas stove to chat with.
  19. Bet it don't chew up the lawn like the old Fergy tires did.....
  20. A spot of sanding and chain plate resealing.
  21. Maybe you should define "damage" I know in very low fuel use situations, the "bug can turn the fuel slightly more acidic and cause corrosion, but not in any commercial applications, say 500 hrs pa. plus My experience with several thousand engines over the years, including over 1000 in service at the current time drawing from a single bulk storage tank where the culture thrives, does not support anything but blockages type problems. Low Sulphur fuel damage was been mistakenly attributed to the "Bug" a number of years ago. OEMs have tried to blame the bug as a warranty escape cl
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