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Black Panther

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Everything posted by Black Panther

  1. Getting out of the river was interesting. Now I think moving yesterday would have been smarter.
  2. I would say so. We've had individual storms to match (Bola) but I haven't seen a consistent chain of them like this before in Auckland. I was in Tahiti in 83? Big el niño and cyclone after cyclone like this.
  3. I've turned into a pussy sailor. We are moving to the marina in a couple of hours. I'm calling it our Xmas cruise.
  4. Parekura is fine too. Leave early and get around cape Brett. I wouldn't wait.
  5. I was thinking about it over dinner. Agree, whangamumu in a easterly you will roll your guts out.my choices would be orongo Bay or pomare Bay ( we were there in the storm where the guy's windows popped out. Snug as.
  6. It wasn't a conscious decision but that's where we have ended up. On a long passage maybe 2 or 3 paper ones
  7. I used to use a lazy sheet for control.
  8. Don't like the sound of that, will he get in before the sh*t hits?
  9. Yep we had a discussion about what a waste of space a chart table is unless you want to write a novel.
  10. It's going to be Easterlies, I'd get up to the bay of islands. A number of good options there. That coast is a shitty lee shore.
  11. Do it MsK, at that price it's a steal. A week of elbow grease would make a huge difference.
  12. Definitely do not go backwards with a parachute as the risk is serious rudder damage. I've used a drogue several times, once when totally unnecessary just because I could and knew I could get some sleep. I love them but you need searoom. As above the goal is to have no one on deck, all crew warm dry and well fed and in their bunks.
  13. Never had a problem with waves climbing the transom with a drogue.
  14. Off the bow it's called a sea anchor and should be big enough to stop the boat going backwards. Off the stern it's called a drogue and should allow some forward movement. I used to run the bridle to the primaries and trim it for the speed best suited to the sea state. Some prefer one, some the other. IT has used a sea anchor successfully, I have used a drogue successfully.
  15. I've been reading his blog, yes rudders lift. Angela loves the interior.
  16. A new cruising boat with some good ideas.
  17. Has anyone used it? With all the recent damp the decks and canvaswork both growing things. Would it work? Is runoff likely to damage my awlgripped hull?
  18. No , 1,000 pm is purely for the boat. But living aboard happens to be much cheaper than ashore so helps amortize the cost over time.
  19. Yep. That's my govt pension. The government maintains my boat for me.
  20. Interesting thread. First, nothing wrong with an Easterly. This one had a "finicky" owner till he got sick. I'd say well worth a punt. Second, I'd agree the ongoing cost of ownership is more important than the purchase price. A figure of 10% of value of the boat is often used. But you won't spend that every year. Some more Some less. We have got this as low as possible for our 60ft 30 yo plywood boat. Mooring 2400pa. Insurance about 1200pa (never had the boat surveyed or inspected). The big one was coppercoat. Hauled once in 6 years to replace lost prop, probably saved $20,0
  21. Everyone knows the owners of big boats are fat and lazy.
  22. Digger and trucks still working to clear the road in and out of the yc. Apart from a tree wrapped around our bow we went unscathed
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