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Everything posted by K4309

  1. Who is this St Johns you speak of? I've only seen Hato Hone something something driving what look like ambulances.
  2. It is entirely at the whim of the insurance co. As in no fixed length of time. Insurance co has stated they wont require them annually. I was expecting issues at 40 years (boat is 38) but they have brought this in for anything over 30 years. Gas certs on the other hand are 7 years, noting there is no explicit requirement for one with the insurance co's, although I see many insurance co's ask if you have one when requesting quotes / shopping around for better / cheaper insurance.
  3. This thread has some discussion on whisker poles and jockey poles What is this for? - TechTalk - Crew.org.nz
  4. I think the pole should be equal to the foot length. But noting this isn't much more than a guess, as opposed to any experience. If the two half poles are shorter than that, you could make a jockey pole out of the better half. Once used in the IOR days to get better control over the brace when the pole is forward, these have been re-purposed by the VO70's when running zero's, big headsails and what not on blast reaching / beam reaching angles to get the sheet outboard and get better gap between the main and whatever you are running at the front. My boat is headsail driven, as in big
  5. I note those rules don't say anything about it being operational, or certified. I can sell you my old but very high quality gimballed stove with oven and grill. You could use it like a museum piece, and use a jet boil for heating up your tea. What class is that?
  6. Aotea / Great Barrier local board chairperson Izzy Fordham said putting in new moorings could be a win-win. "We've got some evidence of how it works in Australia; they can be booked online, so it could be a revenue gain as well. Helping the community and helping those boaties also." And: We've traced a boat - a superyacht - and it's come into Barrier on the west side, anchored, [then] it's gone round to the east side and it's anchored. And then it [went] right round past the north edge of the island to Mangawhai, so how can you stop them? "These are superyachts that come fr
  7. jib / gib How many times do I have to tell you I'm an engineer and not an English teacher?!?
  8. That is great IT, I hope it effects positive change. There are two other tales I'd like to recount from my dealings with gas fitters, that indicate the Gasfitters Board has far more significant issues than just this. The first one I spoke to stated that bayonet quick disconnect fittings are required on the gas bottle. This is so emergency services can remove the gas bottle without tools. I thought that was a bit odd, cause bayonet fittings are notoriously unreliable and leak like a bastard. Turns out the regs don't require this. So the gas fitter was telling me I needed something tha
  9. I would be very very keen to hear if you can name a gas fitter that will sign off (issue a gas certificate) for work on part of a system if the remainder of the system doesn't comply with the standard. I'm not wanting to sound argumentative, but after my recent personal experience of trying to find a gas fitter that understands the basics of NZS 5601 part 2, I think finding someone that would do what you outline would be akin to finding rocking horse sh*t. I asked gas fitters if they would do this, as what you say was my interpretation of the standards as well. I had intensive discussions
  10. That is quiet irrelevant, especially for insurance purposes. Two reasons: The insurance co's via the condition assessment reports want to know if the boat complies with the current NZ standards, not the standards from 1975, and If a gas fitter touches anything on the system, then the whole system needs to be upgraded. Noting that you aren't allowed to touch anything yourself and have to get a gas fitter even to crimp a hose clip. There are several reasons a gas fitter may need to touch the system, one being the standard flexible hose (1869 class C) that costs $12/m from Bur
  11. All the above is why I went for lead-carbon over lithium. Much the same reason as why Aardvark when for a kerosene stove over LPG. It avoids a whole lot of compliance issues. Standard charging profile and voltage profile, no need for a BMS and no risk of blowing the alternator in an uncontrolled load dump.
  12. Unfortunately my official copy of NZS 5601 part 2 is via a work subscription to the AS/NZS standards and it is extremely heavily embargoed with copyright protection. I couldn't even copy and past single clauses, or print it. However, I checked the key relevant clauses with this draft copy for consultation and the key clauses are unchanged (the ones I mentioned in my post above). I can't vouch that there are no differences in the whole document but this is a good starter for someone wanting to understand requirements. Especially for many of the tedious things like set backs for flammable s
  13. K4309


    Crickey aardvark, are you suggesting sailors might engage the services of hookers?!? That is a bit controversial, what would the good folk at the Royal NZ Squadron say? (Any port in a storm) PS I wonder what economic impact hooker have?
  14. K4309


    Ah, but the number of international attractions / events available to Chch is significantly limited. The percentage increase of economic benefit due to SailGP is substantial. If the All Blacks and Six60 contributed $1.4mil combined, and SailGP contributed $1mil (net, as you say) then sailGP has increased economic contribution to Chch from International Events by 71.4% That is an extra million bucks the good hotel operators of Chch would not have got if it weren't for SailGP
  15. K4309


    Oh neat, Lies, Damn Lies and Stats. so what you are saying is that SailGP had 30% greater economic benefit than the All Blacks and Six60...
  16. I have recently investigated this myself. Two out of three gas fitters (recommended by various people for marine work) do not know or understand the gas standards NZS 5601 part 2. For an installation like yours with a single appliance, you are allowed to use flexible hose to NZS 1869 Class C, which for the layman is standard BBQ hose, costs $12/m at Burnsco and costs the gas fitters $4/m. Two of the gas fitters claimed for that single appliance install I needed copper hose with flexible stainless steel at each end. The additional cost was several thousand dollars. Additionally t
  17. K4309


    Others may conclude that because there is 15,000 of them, one yacht race isn't going to cause their instantaneous extinction. ;-)
  18. K4309


    But there isn't any science in this issue. Coutts has been told he can't hold SailGP in Feb cause of dolphins. We aren't talking nuclear fusion of metaphysics here. At best we are talking local bylaws, in that he wants to hold a yacht race in a commercial port, that also has a legislative overlay as a marine sanctuary. We are told the dolphins are endangered. 'Endangered' isn't a scientific fact, it is a human construct based on opinion. Sure the death rate might be higher than the birth rate, then again it might not be (I haven't seen the peer reviewed scientific report), but
  19. Not saying this boat is, but many of the Iwi that were awarded quota then contract foreign boats and crew to fish it for them. There were HUGE problems with slave like conditions, brutality etc toward crews and what not. There was a series of news storeys some time ago (pre covid) about this. I believe those boats were from Korea or Taiwan. They were certainly bottom rung in terms of maintenance, age, crew welfare and what not. Iwi were washing their hands of the issues claiming it was intermederiares that were doing the chartering. Strangely various vested interests were keen to keep such car
  20. What does the green and red represent on the track? would that be speed? If so it would appear they've been breaking down / going dark ship, getting it going again and breaking down again. Hopefully they have just drifted onto the Noises, which will be a whole lot easier to recover from than hitting it at speed.
  21. K4309


    If I were a religious zealot I'd be proudly supporting the current genocide going on like all the other religious zealots, and sending more bombs, but I digress. This little segway about science explaining gravity started because of the refrain to only use peer reviewed scientific papers to win the discussion about dolphins and boats, instead of just applying some logic. People often reach for the old 'peer reviewed scientific papers' in the hope that it is some sort of infallible fact. Science is by far incomplete in terms of our understanding of many things. There are examples of scienc
  22. K4309


    That fairly much proves my point BP. Scientists can describe gravity, and quantify it, but they can't explain it. So, what causes gravity?
  23. K4309


    You are getting a bit selective there CD. Sail GP can't get the dates they want in Feb cause of the dolphins. They have been told they can only have dates later in the autumn. Hence no Sail GP. And what about the actual risk? still need peer reviewed scientific research before you'd want to hazard a comment on that?
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