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Everything posted by K4309

  1. PS, since we are on the topic, having an ownership register and visible registration numbers (like as for jet skis) would probably be far more effective in stopping people do a runner who's boats have caused damage. It would also go some way to enabling the Harbour Master to track down errant boat owners. That is the Harbour Master's real problem. Being able to prove ownership and locate owners. Having insurance would be as useful as tits on a bull of the HM still can't find the owner to claim on the insurance.
  2. That would be inconsistent with requirements of owning a car. You don't have to have insurance for a car, so why a boat? And there is far far more social cost with uninsured car drivers doing a runner and not putting things right when they cause damage. People conflate needing to pay for damage you cause with needing to have insurance. That is a nonsense. You just need to be able to pay for the damage you cause. How you pay for that is entirely up to you. All the money you have spent in your life on insurance products could go into investment accounts, and you use that to pay fo
  3. Bit of pseudo-legal going on in that article. Person in authority makes statement that sounds like it is mandatory for all boats to have insurance. There isn't any legal requirement to have insurance. Especially not 'wreck insurance'. I've never heard of it until that article. It is correct that you have to pay to have a wreck of yours removed from the environment. But how you manage that is up to you. You could just pay cash if you wanted. Or do it yourself. I've helped two owners of wrecked boats do it themselves. Just because people don't have insurance doesn't mean they
  4. I understand there are only 3 'assessors' nationally. (not inspectors anymore, apparently).
  5. Do you want to sail it to Argentina or Arkles Bay? As in, Cat 1 or Gulf Cruising. Will make a difference to how diligent you (or anyone giving advice) need to be, and consequently how robust the design work and physical work needs to be.
  6. Sounds like you are not alone FLC, Penlink has been hit, as well as other boats. And I might have to eat my words to Psych. Why would anyone nick a mainsail?!? Generators, diesel, power tools and fishing rods are all useful and easy things to move on, but a mainsail? There has been reports of substantial thefts from boats and the Penlink platform. From Penlink; 200l diesel, generators, power tools. From boats: Fuel, mainsail, fishing rods. This all seems to be happening upriver of the dinghy pontoon. We believe by someone in a sizeable tinnie. Please report anything unusual t
  7. Was speaking to a guy on the wharf at the river a couple of weeks ago that had cameras on his boat. They were on the spreaders. AliExpress jobbies. Solar powered I think, can't remember if they were SMS linked, but fairly sure they bluetooth to a device / phone for easy download. He was happy with them. Affordable and effective by all accounts. He put them on the spreaders so the couldn't be nicked as well
  8. Anyone wanting some cash for me to use your berth in Westhaven for a weekend in Jan? The Sail GP weekend - so anyone with good taste will probably want to leave town anyway 12m, or bigger (we are 11.3m) Westhaven have plenty available apparently, but want $50/day (I'm wanting 4 days =$200) so I figure it would be nice to cut Punuku out of the loop and contribute directly someone's boat maintenance fund. Ideally I was wanting to come in on Thursday 16th Jan and leave on Monday 20th, so as to not be constrained by the Harbour Wide and Westhaven entrance closures that are happenin
  9. Those alloy scuba tanks last forever. I got one second hand maybe 25 years ago, took it for a test and fill last year and it was perfectly fine. Very little issues with them.
  10. Your neighbour must be a bit special, how did he manage that?!?
  11. I bet you've scared a few thieves though. Probably without even knowing it. You probably left them traumatised and needing therapy. After all you do have a habit of putting that photo of you in drag and fishnet tights on the interweb. Jokes aside though, I think just by you and the other live-aboards having a presence on the river helps greatly. Without naming names, the live aboard that parks beside us has said he's spotlighted / challenged delinquents after dark. Doesn't happen often, but when things do happen, there are eyes and ears about.
  12. I wouldn't assume that. I'd argue you are applying too much logic as to why people nick sh*t. I think a lot of it isn't logical. Either on drugs, opportunist, boredom or shits and giggles. Sure there will be examples of people thieving items for their financial value or specific purpose, but I wouldn't think that is boaties nicking sh*t to use on their own boats. I'd assume that is stuff easily moved on for a bit of cash. A lot of the examples of theft from the river I've heard of is stuff that is easy to move. Especially tools, as in FLC's case. Fishing gear and outboards are also up there. A
  13. I've done something similar to this. 40 yr old kauri log, tiller steering. Have an under deck hydraulic pump (Octopus) running a ram in the lazerette. We have a short steel arm coming off the back of the tiller to rudder stock block (into a slot into the lazerette). The ram is in a sealed box in the lazerette. When the AP is off steering is basically unimpeded. It is a tad heavier than when the hydraulic ram is not connected to the tiller, but is perfectly manageable, noting it is super light in the first place. This gives us the ability to have a powerful and reliable hydrauli
  14. Thanks for the heads up. Hope you find your stuff, or some karma sorts out the perpetrators. The river has been trouble free for a while now, so a shame to hear it has changed. There is always a bit of ebb and flow (excuse the pun). I know of two live aboards who aren't on the river currently, one who moved off permanently, and one who is on the hard currently doing maintenance. I know the one on the hard has on occasion spotlighted and challenged delinquents in the middle of the night pocking around moored boats in borrowed dinghies. I know there is mixed views about live aboards, b
  15. Think I have a P class rudder going spare. Also have a rudder off an orphan boat that is probably very similar to a Starling. Are you wanting it for a Starling or cause you think a Starling rudder is about the right size and shape? Both are wooden, the orphan rudder is varnished, with a painted stock and bare wood tiller (possibly teak). Free to a good home, if you are interested.
  16. You should find out what the Manawanui were using and get the other one. Word is there was no mechanical failure and just pranged it into the reef. Sounds very much like a GPS assisted grounding.
  17. K4309

    37th AC

    Last I heard the UK is broke. Even the legendary Fastnet race now finishes in France cause Plymouth couldn't afford to host it. As in British yacht clubs with 'Royal' monikers hosting events in France cause of financial realities. I'm sure the Saudi's will have no problem funding an event at Jeddah for some more sports washing, but that brings some substantial moral questions into play. Ignoring the fact that region is highly likely to be in all out war by the time they get around to settling on a venue.
  18. That would be even more embarrassing, the guy with all the gold braid and fancy dress (can't remember his official title, something like supreme rear commodore sea lord) said that Manawanui had just completed a 'maintenance period' before this deployment, AND passed all of their testing before being signed off...
  19. They were still using lead lines on the last survey boat. They even make one of the ratings taste the mud. Apparently silt tastes more bitter than sand or regular mud.
  20. not sure if percussion hydrography was in the design spec's... They stated they 'evacuated 75 crew and passengers'. Didn't realise NZ defense assets took passengers. Saturday night, more people onboard than bunks, carrying passengers, yet they say they were working. Several things don't add up. Core crew is 30 something. Not 75.
  21. Think you need to go through your post and change the present tense for the past tense 'Can' should now be 'Could' or 'Did'
  22. Just had a suss on Streetview, and it appears the view is already locked by trees. Same trees you can see in the aerial photo. Happy to be proven wrong though. 1 Princes St - Google Maps
  23. Wonder how they'll make that work if its a northerly?
  24. Oh dear, my computer is definitely saying 'no' then. Just a long two lines of text that looks like a broken url.
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