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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. Agree with you Dutyfree. PWC has already scoffed a million dollars of ratepayers hard earned loot to provide a confidential feasibility scope for a new stadium Phil the 110 unused LAV,s Goff is angling to leave Auckland with another financial millstone legacy. Look towards next weeks announcement to see the Mayor and private interests kick off on this swap of Eden Park development rights for a shaky dodgy privately funded waterfront white elephant that will ultimately see the ratepayer underwriting the inevitable shortfalls. Central Government should be urgently looking to place Auckl
  2. No developer is ever going to fund a waterfront stadium. If the project was ever going to fly it would be a PPPP not to be confused for a PPP. Public pays for private profits. For those of you that are concerned about the welfare of the Auckland Blues team I failed to mention that the team played the entire match wearing mandatory full body PFD,s resulting in no loss of life. Team management spoke highly of the advice they received from ETNZ regarding safety at sea after the 2021 AC Cup resulted in no final racing take place due to a fatal high speed collision between all four syndicat
  3. The 2030 Auckland Blues are 2 minutes away from winning the Super Rugby final with a unassailable lead when the Queens Wharf mooring dolphin tethering the Titanic II catastrophically fails causing the ship to run into the newly completed subterranean Waterfront Stadium resulting in the tragic loss of all 15 spectators watching the match.
  4. What are all the redundant humans meant to do to survive once automated computer controlled robots and systems have displaced them.
  5. Out now anybody seen it. https://youtu.be/E5n6bCPTDIo
  6. Hah, the carbon flyer got blown off the marina and required a urgent human rescue. Crickey it was nut shrinking cold. One sailor today.
  7. Agree with simple and ability to fix whilst afloat. Cruising for us is a bit like camping on the sea and sure a shower and walk through stern and a larger galley etc would enhance the experience but after 14 years touch wood of no major dramas and oodles of adventures we will stick where we are. Talking of bikes my carbon flattie commuter. Not many yachts here today.
  8. karma,watched that twit rocket out of the marina and royally upset my princess. Westhaven management may be welcome for the stink pot sales berth custom but the boat handling skills match the mentalilty.
  9. Tread carefully with this as the weaknesses of the DIY bottom osmosis job are many and as you can offer no professional warranty this will have a direct affect on ability to sell and price. I had a price from these guys for a mate and although not cheap they certainly do know their stuff. http://www.osmosis.co.nz/
  10. Hah, I have had one for years goes with my Tilley radiant heater and Storm lanterns. Kero is bloody expensive so I started a airline and run them all on Jet A1. Never appear on deck with wrinkled socks thats my motto and when and if I get a bigger boat I am going to get one of these bad boys.
  11. BP buy her one of these. Tilley kerosene iron. The Integral looks like it will cost quite a bit of coin and if you are already set up with solar what would be the point.
  12. Wynyard Wharf was plenty long enough to berth these monsters that is before the AC carved off a chunk for the bases.
  13. Crikey, Halfmoon Bay looks like a navigation intelligence test. No such issues at Westhaven. The choice of marina for me is to avoid the tyranny of distance from my princess.
  14. Yup there is heaps of upside to Panuku,you just need to be a developer to truely appreciate their tireless efforts to prise public assets from the overburdened ratepayers at never to be publically disclosed rates or freed for market by the timely use of the public works act. Whenever a CCO reaches into its bag of tricks and responds to a request for public disclosure with commercial sensitivity as the reason for non disclosure you know someone somewhere is getting a bargain.
  15. Hone your skills in the Gulf try not to terrify the family to much and break the boat voila one day you will get there together. There is a couple I met that only sailed on benign fine day windows took sail down at nights and successfully completed a circumnavigation. Life is a journey not a race and a lot of dramas are created by placing unnecessary time frames on arriving at certain destinations. So what if it takes a few days more it’s what cruising is about.
  16. Bloody hell this is a work of art damned fast too. http://no-frills-sailing.com/next-gen-imoca-60-racing-yacht-charal/
  17. Herbert does not own Gulf Harbour. Covington Group Mr Speedy. These marina owners purchased not primarilay for the berth rental return as this just sees off the cost of debt with a little left over. The jewel is the land and as Pine Harbour is consented without the need to deal with Panuku the next phase is to Trojan Horse Hobsonville. Empire Capital throw out the most intensive worst case scenario and then deal back from there. They will then wait for the cheap seat clamouring to quite before announcing something along the lines, Panuku and Empire Capital are pleased to announce that t
  18. You are not going to get a crane on that beach. Owner will have no coin so its toast and going directly to the tip in bits is my pick.
  19. Just cycled by the new stink pot sales berth at Westhaven and 3 of the largest and most probably expensive ones have got sold stickers. Also keel on day at Pier 21 for several of the ugliest box looking yachts I have ever seen. Crikey they do not even have lead keels is there a world wide shortage or something. Reflects the content of Boating NZ and in fairness maybe thats their intended market. I wait for my buddy who is way wealthier to hand me his copies of Yachting World and agree it is a quality product.
  20. Not good. https://goldengloberace.com/day-82-breaking-news/
  21. Crikey received a copy of Boating NZ August.Stem to stern bloody power boat this power boat that no wonder the editors note is headlined “How do we get out of this mess?”. Yachts you twit, you know boats with sails masts booms keels need any more clues?
  22. Yup and it wil pre varnished so that will also save time and coin.
  23. Considering the welfare of your yacht and possibly your life hangs off those two bits of metal why take the risk with bodgie options. Noel and Gerry have given you the best advice take it and be happy.
  24. Corrosion resistance and bling factor are the benefits of electropolishing.
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