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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. Talking of history.... someone local should do a antipodean version of Dylan’s efforts . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VZc9mI5pXHQ&feature=youtu.be
  2. I remember reading about this guy in 2012. Obviously not a success. https://www.diabgroup.com/en-GB/Cases/Marine/Yrvind-prepares-to-break-world-sailing-record-with-Divinycell-cored-vessel
  3. True Native. My old log of mahogany single skin edge butt and glued without glass is 45+ and you have to be vigilant in matters of maintenance but that applies to most craft. Three skin kauri glassed done well like most construction methods makes for a great hull but I have seen some shockers as well. Differential materials and fresh water etc... Yup ,wood means work but it is not the nightmare some make it out to be.
  4. From memory Sina is edge butt and glued not caulked ,regardless Noel and Litara have kept her in Bristol condition. 30hp is a bit on the light side agreed but she is getting about reliably and they attended a wedding recently in Samoa. Noel is pure old school and no autohelm or self steering devices just hand on wheel. Sina has been on the market for a while but many have and deep down putting age aside it will be a emotional parting for them once she sells.
  5. Christ they had every bloody expert oohing and a ahhing as if they had found the great lost Ark. Fletchers must of been poohing their pants thinking that any future progress payments would be a long time coming. Never send your kids to university I say.Maybe the archaeologist / consultants were taught that the natives of the time simply threw a few seeds in the ground and voila there is your waka. Now do Bunnings stock any seeds for a RM970.
  6. Chine runners did not see those. Corneal flash risk would be my concern. He is definitely no dullard that I admire but...
  7. Crikey she is a bit of a tip truck.
  8. Never trust a man with a clean workshop. The yellow submarine could well turn out to be a self euthanising machine.
  9. Leo has a website.http://sampsonboat.co.uk/ Impressive young chap but Tally Ho is a mammoth undertaking and the parrot will be old and grey well before what remains of her if anything hits the water. I have chucked him some coin as I applaud his enthusiasm.
  10. Nah that’s plenty thanks. How much for a B&G.
  11. Well at least you stand a one in three chance to be the challenger. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=12061895
  12. Any good? http://www.cruzpro.com/maxds110.html
  13. Purple Heart only because I like the name. This young fella has a bit on his hands. https://youtu.be/KpXaBHcA3oY Native is correct as it is not exposed to the elements.
  14. Masina the first yacht the Barrotts built and circumnavigated. Jack Brooke design?
  15. Noel is rebirthing a Rhodes 33 one of the prettiest yachts around in my view. http://sailboatdata.com/viewrecord.asp?class_id=6141
  16. Hah, think I scripted that. Had the pleasure of a afternoon onboard with Latira. Where does one start. The yacht is Noel and Latiiras second and both are circumnavigators the first Masina is now located in Queensland. I am a self professed woodnut and the Sina is beyond description from a skill based perspective. There is a well known recollection when Latira and her daughter backed the Sina down a raging southern sea to successfullly pluck Noel back onboard. Latira commented someone had to save this fool of a man who thinks of nothing but yachts.
  17. Here is a old school SS grader. A minter ready to rock and roll which they do in abundance running downhill but fark that mast stabbing the saloon table through the heart .... https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1637011637
  18. I would buy it just for the electrical install. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/auction-1643650430.htm?rsqid=c462996367a0483185a7f57de11ad574
  19. Slutter is what you have. A removable inner forestay on a highfield lever. As others have said keep it and use it. Cutter without the primary issues of headsail chafe as the inner forestay can be stowed at the shrouds when not required.
  20. Not being negative at all. Some of you may think so that’s your call but I doubt that this journey will actually take place. If you give Andrew funds and he perishes doing what he loved are you getting value for your money sitting on your couch.
  21. https://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/boats-marine/parts-accessories/paints-glues-resins/auction-1637028281.htm?rsqid=b67668f91b8741f3b42e68d90106ac10 Cheap as chips compared to other options and it works. Beware of reaching for self brewed thinned epoxy. Their epoxy reins filler etc are bloody good products and value. Payless Paints Rosebank Rd Avondale.
  22. Franks house is listed for sale. Volcanic rock cladding and the fireplace is a cracker. https://trademe.co.nz/1635764327
  23. Idler each to his own. Chinese and 300 bucks is definitely not the way to go just cheap crap with all the usual lack of warranty and support. Sticking with my Tilley and if asbestos is your worry what do you think municipal water supply pipes are made of.
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