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Everything posted by Addem

  1. My present boat is a cat. (F41). I wouldn't do her as the lines are mostly about the bridge deck. Keen to consider a Challenge 29 and Elliot 10.5 - and Frank is right - process is simple but time consuming. I took lines of Jetstream (C29) manually lotsa years back when I was looking at doing the same mod as Meister (a great boat - now for sale https://www.trademe.co.nz/4462817748 ). I hope I still have them. Now to see if I can find a set of Elliot line plans somewhere. Anyone got any?
  2. Too right. I'd live to have a few of my past boats. How much would I pay though...dunno. it'd be interesting to know how many hours are involved.
  3. I still have this sitting at home. It is a work of art and too good to melt down. Free to a good home. I may be able to deliver to Auckland region. Within reason. Happy Christmas.
  4. Whole doing work.on deck at 25 knots in the southern ocean.
  5. OK. My 80s era boats all had higher booms. Moonraker, Challenge 29, Elliot 10.5. (Not completely sure about the moonraker it was a long time ago. I wonder how many heads have been hit on these ross's. I think it'd only be a matter of time. We always ban people from standing on coamings when running but you can't stop people standing in the cockpit in race conditions Trimmers, helm, pit.
  6. I recently sailed on a Ross 35 and was astonished how low the boom sits with the sail raised. Easily at shoulder height when standing on tbe cockpit sole (im not supe r tall) . Is this normal for these boats? Are they reliant on the spring vang to pop it up in the gybe? Or has someone made a longer leech in the main ?
  7. Bad stuff still happens. Essence is a recent example. It's the sea state that is still unpredictable.
  8. My uneducated guess is that it is some sort of chemical damage. A tender should have considerable UV resistance. Mine is outside on the davit 25/7. Sun damage wouldn't have the 'run' marks around the edge of the stain.
  9. Hard to tell without photos. Easy way to reduce if you have windows is explained here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/topic/compress-a-picture-4598c336-688b-4ade-a582-ef966a978ffd#:~:text=The compression options in Microsoft,pages or e-mail messages.&text=Select the picture you want,and then click Compress Pictures.
  10. +1 for watch Easy Composites videos. I made my own fridge compressor vac pump and posted the details on crew about 5 years or so ago, but I can't find it. Mine was from a small beer fridge and works well enough. I went for this as I had one about to go to the dump and because the compressor had all the electrical bits still attached so I wasn't going to kill myself. Took me an afternoon IIRC. If I was doing it again I would get a larger one from a full size fridge for a faster/stronger suck down. Mine does lose vacuum over time, so I run it until the epoxy goes off - 3-4 ho
  11. Addem


    I understood this too. Northcote point was to be closed. You also have to pay moonbeams for a flag to be able to anchor in tbe boat area. The Sydney ones are $1500
  12. Addem


    The point is they would have got fees and the disruption to shipping would be Nil. Ferries affected would only be brikenhead and hobsonville. They will have worked all that out and don't forget they are only 15 minute races. Sydney manage to do it smack in the middle of their ferry lanes which arr crazy busy compared to Ak. I recall Extreme Series in St Petersberg waiting for ships to clear the course several times.
  13. Addem


    I hope it is not terminal for Auckland and that we can host it next time as the decontamination is underway now (I think). Have to laugh about red tape In NZ. Contaminated land is OK to work on everyday but not visit for a couple of hours. Major inconvenience as we gave a prize at our legends regatta of two nights accommodation at a Hilton suite overlooking the course. Would've been fantastic viewing point. Now we've got to get a refund. Now I have a free weekend to go cruising somewhere - great barrier? Oops wrong thread.
  14. Addem


    I saw something about this yesterday and hoped it was fake news. Nothing on their website.
  15. Do we know yet how anchors will set In it? It may well end up self policing ie won't go there if anchor won't hold.
  16. What do you want to know? PM me.
  17. Addem

    Large Posterior

    Don't judge me but two reasons: rugby and cricket.
  18. Cool. Somewhere to explore this summer.
  19. Looks OK. Have they dredged the entrance? I thought it Used to be a shallow bar.
  20. Addem

    Large Posterior

    I already do. And avoid free to air TV. Ads drive me nuts. As does reality TV.
  21. Have to agree with BP. It'd be a great adventure but two legs of long overnight watch keeping. You'd have to allow a 10 day window each way. I'd say a better use of the time would be to drive to Napier - a one day trip each way and you get to stay in a nice motel. Then you could spend the other 18 days to do a trip to Tauranga. It should be on your to do list in any case. Lots of great places en route. I don't know why most in Auckland only ever go north.
  22. Addem

    Large Posterior

    Major thread drift here:i followed that link and I see Wikipedia pleading for money to keep going. What do think about it being ad free etc or has it done it's dash and should fold? I don't use it much as it's not always accurate and annoying that it opens the app on my phone.
  23. Pity this coverstion is not in its own thread. Good information. I miss mine from Pork Chop. We have a gas heater but seldom turn it on as a bit of faffing around required vs none with calorifier. So, if we're out for the day we generally use the kettle and pat the ST tiger.
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