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About w44vi

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  1. What clearance do you have from the tip of the prop blades to the hull ?
  2. The real question is do licences improve safety? Doesn't seem to help with cars
  3. Looks good what paint system did you use?
  4. Better to ask forgiveness than permission
  5. Scraping is the best to remove the bulk, I have then used acetone to remove the residue, but it will depend on exactly what has been used
  6. I have Warpaint over Alex No.5, Its been on for 3yrs, due for replacement, I've had no problems still working ok
  7. Put in a non return fuel valve.
  8. First thing I would have done is put in a new fuel filter, If that is cloged it creates a vacum and could allow air in to the system
  9. My understanding is it is not ready for public service until end of February
  10. w44vi

    Stolen Yacht

    STOLEN Yacht - Scarlet Dancer. Lotus 9.2. Taken sometime between Tuesday 4pm 14 December and Friday 17 December from her mooring at Anakiwa, Grove Arm, Queen Charlotte Sound. Gary Lokum 0276314450 anytime.
  11. I have used a hiab truck to remove boat motors, make life much easier
  12. I put a steel rod thru the pin holes so you can pull aganst each other, when you put the hub back on make sure you put a good amout of marine grease on the spline
  13. Do they sell it in 20kg containers ?
  14. w44vi

    Wgtn's Sealion

    From the Trade Me ad "The water tight integrity is somewhat compromised due to the (localised) areas of erosion & resultant water ingress There was a towel/rag pushed in to a hull breach at waterline. The port side appeared to have more areas of potential diminished (watertight) integrity, however there was a similar occurrences on both sides." It would take enormous amounts of money to make the hull water tight. The Detroit hasn't run for many years (decades) and the steel superstructure is so rusty you can see thru it. The harbour master has said that they would not let
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