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Everything posted by Romany

  1. interesting Edmond now second on distance to leader, better vmg, and slightly higher - could we see a leader change or is Hugo gonna gap it - seems he is heading toward a favourable wind change and a foot on the escalator to the east. Cool tracker with the ability to 'look' forward in weather terms at least
  2. does anybody know what the racing programme is? You'd have to believe that whoever spent all the cash must have some serious intentions.
  3. I wouldn't wish it on them but the lack of an angry ocean in the image seems to nullify the effect of the try sail. Probably they were seeing if it fit or something technical I expect.
  4. Plus she had lit a fire - perhaps to finish drying her clothes.
  5. Hopefully she had enough sense to remain upwind of her signal fires. There must have been better ways of signaling passing boaties
  6. awesome to see sellers note that "has some hull damage". Seriously rooted might have been more informative.
  7. Romany

    sunday orca

    copy and pasted from the news article ... "He says, in a Facebook post, he encountered a pod of orcas while scuba diving off Army Bay 23 years ago. A 9 metre bull "pinned" him to the ocean floor, "head to head for several minutes." and " ... towards the end my mind had a thought of her getting carried away and possibly pulling me down for a tango"... I think the guys 'head to head' encounter all those years ago may have occurred at the end of his dive and starved his brain of essential oxygen. Has he finally gone dolally? IMHO the only mistake he made was putting up a
  8. I wouldn't normally take the role of a cheerleader, but good job by the Squaddie!
  9. I've thought long and hard about this. Now I have a migraine so I am going with Maybe/Maybe not. If it was more likely and they did per chance collide, and both vessels sank or erupted into an enormous ball of fire with both crews going to their peril, who would know. In which case did it ever happen.
  10. Danpat - re the Ganley. I have a good friend who purchased a smaller Ganley from Whangarei, had it surveyed by someone up there and unfortunately it turned out to be a bucket of rust. I'm not aware of who the surveyor was so cannot/would not name names, and I'm not saying anything about the design - but be careful. If you go steel no matter the design make sure you look very very hard. From what I can gather from my friend repairs are an expensive process, and finding someone and a place to do the work is problematic. Having said that - the Pacemaker you saw looks pretty imp
  11. Anybody know of a diver in Weiti area who would give me boats' bottom a tickle and maybe put a new zinc on? Money maybe involved. Thought I had someone arranged a week ago but his gear has all been 'borrowed', and he says nearer to summer he will have it sorted (I think he is going soft like I am). I'd do it myself but all my scuba gear is knackered, I'm not really tempted to go and buy new kit just to scrub my own bum. Truth is I can't be arsed doin it myself.
  12. Romany

    Prop talk

    The 1st bri ski seems like a bargain if it is in good order, in fact I'm quite tempted... And wheels - why is the last one is dreaming re pricing? That seems like its pretty cheap price - aren't these things normally around the $1700 new for that size?
  13. Would an Aquada count? I can't post a picture, but they are seriously good upwind and down...
  14. Which is why you should never touch a woman until you meet her mum. And I am sure the selection process works equally strongly in reverse. I am like my dad, & can't understand what the hell my Mrs was thinking!
  15. tuffy has it right. This is why I have a Townson yacht, but I guess there are others... I just haven't seen any
  16. Flip TM the bird, take the rum. You know u want to...
  17. You're right Shane this funny. I thought we were having our chains pulled as someone put it, but... keep up the good work. All those dancing girls and no beer. And a Variant. I had one of those. Great boat
  18. I agree and I think they are bastardos. Undoubtedly being negligent or at least ignorant arses. Now, (to borrow a line) bring lawyers guns and money... Shouldn't these obstructions be charted or marker posted? There's a little reef just past the old Panmure Wharf I was once told (loudly, from balcony of yacht club:) and its got a channel marker post on it.
  19. Lock the topic Matt. Lets respect the simple request that was posted.
  20. For me the AC is dead and buried. I'm not sure I would go down to the river to watch it. Worse than that though is the current mob have successfully engaged the old marketing ploy of rolling a dog turd in glitter and selling it as something else.
  21. I swear he was tryin ta keel me
  22. No such thing as free now Tuffy. Russell and Larry would have made sure of that
  23. Yes but it is loud and pirate like. And I kind of agree with the comments, but in the end Capt. Ron seems to be the one making the call to retire. He could just quietly set off on a leisurely RNZ , non stop and raise the middle finger as he sets off - but he isn't doing that. Maybe he knows deep down - that every sailor, eventually, has to step ashore. Good luck Capt Ron Daw.
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