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Te Wero Bridge

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I thought Auckland Council had issues with hitting the credit limit, and was working to reduce unnecessary expenses?

Or am I mixed up and they are just trying to screw everyone they can for more revenue / rates / levies / user pays charges, and still go around pissing it all up against a wall as fast as they can?

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I had heard the same, that the current temporary bridge is due for replacement due to operating/maintenance costs and that they'll be building a temporary pontoon bridge in the interim.

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Isn't there a spare bridge in a west coast river?

Thats the joke of it,

I'll be you a good bottle of premium hooch that this Wero bridge, designed for pedestrians only, will cost substantially more than replacing a key state highway bridge down south.

The one down south enables revenue to be generated from a prime export industry (inbound tourism) for a region sorely lacking in other revenue sources, the Wero bridge, well, I'm not sure what is for really, I think people can get from car parks to the pubs at the Viaduct a tad quicker.

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Thats the joke of it,

I'll be you a good bottle of premium hooch that this Wero bridge, designed for pedestrians only, will cost substantially more than replacing a key state highway bridge down south.

The one down south enables revenue to be generated from a prime export industry (inbound tourism) for a region sorely lacking in other revenue sources, the Wero bridge, well, I'm not sure what is for really, I think people can get from car parks to the pubs at the Viaduct a tad quicker.

Someone mentioned HHHHHOOOOCH!!?

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(in your best colonel Klink voice)






“There are a number of challenges with the replacement of the Wynyard Crossing bridge. The most significant is our ability to complete the connection by the time the America’s Cup starts,” said Panuku’s Development Director, Allan Young.

“It may feel like we’re pushing pause on progress, but we want to ensure that what is built is going to be of the highest quality and design innovation.

We want to make a positive and memorable contribution to Auckland’s city centre and waterfront by giving Aucklanders something they can be proud of,” said Young.

By pushing pause now and continuing to progress the project while the resource consent application is being processed, we’re going to be in a much stronger position to hit fast forward again once the America’s Cup and APEC have finished.

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Does that photo mean that those things rotate?  If so, I can just imagine someone being a bit toooo close and getting the rig caught.  Or, being as it is likely designed by someone that doesn't inhabit this mortal plane, trying to open in a rip-snorter NE - and failing/falling/being too unsafe to walk on.....


Panuku - bringing the city down.

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Correct, another Panuku cock up, taking from the poor Westhaven boaties and funding this sort of nonsense designed by someone without practical waterfront experience, of course it is now on the backburner even though was promised to be 90% built off site . I believe they may have had trouble getting someone to operate the temp crossing whilst this was being installed...

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Wynyard Quarter bridge malfunctions three days after reopening, pedestrians frustrated

A key pedestrian bridge on Auckland’s waterfront was closed due to a fault only three days after its highly anticipated opening.

The Wynyard Crossing bridge was reopened on Friday morning after a lengthy nine-month closure that forced pedestrians to walk around it or take a ferry.

But this morning the bridge suffered a malfunction with gates preventing anyone from crossing for 10 to 15 minutes.



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Unsurprising but is this is the new normal? 


The bridge, constructed at a cost of $3.7 million and opened in 2011, was built to raise and lower its span to accommodate boats passing below.

It has cost at least $10.6m to fix the bridge, according to an update from Auckland Council’s development arm Eke Panuku in October.

In NZ  the attitude towards infrastructure is the opposite of "old men planting trees they will never sit in the shade of"  i.e instead of planning far into the future and creating something aesthetically pleasing, practical and engineered for a lifetime its all about lowest price and business feasibility. That's why we don't have a second harbour crossing despite needing one literally for decades, it's why we run Navy survey vessels onto the reef. NZ infrastructure is all about cheap cheap cheap where everyone gets a bargain but they have to buy it over and over again!

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Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown takes plunge in saltwater swimming pool before today’s opening

The mayor shared a video of him diving into the pool in his board shorts and swimming three laps of the 33m-long pool, which he has dubbed Browny’s pool.

“The first time we raised this, Eke Panuku said it will be $5 million. I was thinking, 'Oh, my God, you're not getting my message,” Brown said.

He had hoped to get the pool built for $100,000, but the need for fences and other safety measures, along with changing facilities, took it up to $500,000.

“Re-using existing marina pontoons helped keep the costs down and it’s a good example of doing things better, faster and cheaper.”



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1 hour ago, Black Panther said:

What about the poo?

The main stormwater discharge is now right down at the end of brigham street, a lot of the older discharges that went into the inner harbours got collected into that when the AC 36 works were done.

Bit by bit Aucklands sewers are being seperated from the stormwater. Is it perfect? no. Is it a damn sight better than it was 10 years ago - absolutely!


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