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Future of Auckland Aniversary Regatta

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Went out to see the Auckland day regatta 2024 on the harbour; only a handful of boats racing, counted only 3 boats in the vintage division and similar in other keelers' division, overall not many boats on the water, non event. Use to be hundreds out in the olden days.

We race up to Mahurangi Friday nite and plenty boats up there.


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Yeah we went to north head and I was surprised at the small number of boats coming down from westhaven. Fair number of dinghies off tamaki/etc so I guess maybe the overall numbers were technically ok, but the keelboat fleets were small.

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Most of the classics -yachts and launches and some owners 😄were at Mahurangi as always for the launch parade and the racing but mainly the dance -great as usual, but  instead of doing the passage race home slid DDW home on Sunday -very relaxing. Then went to watch the Tug boat and launch racing off Westhaven on regatta day, I too recall the thousands lining the Waterfront, Bastion Point and North Head back in the day-with Two boats (yes thats right) in the A division it seems those days are gone.

The modern classics had a few more but the keeler racing was miserable , and they didnt even return for the finish instead went to Orakei, the Poo Bahs invited to Navy hospitality on the ship in the harbour must have wondered where all the yachts were??

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So I am hearing the boats went to Mahurangi and decided not to participate on the Monday in the passage race. 

It's always surprised me that so many boats race to Mahurangi but don't do the Auckland Regatta passage race home on the Monday. 


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2 hours ago, khayyam said:

How was the turnout at bay week?

Great event. They got 100+ boats, Quite a few local and Whangarei but also Tauranga and Whitianga :-)  Most of the "big" name Auckland 40's and 50's were there and solid fleets below.

Weather, organisation, shore facilities, island party were superb.

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3 hours ago, CarpeDiem said:

So I am hearing the boats went to Mahurangi and decided not to participate on the Monday in the passage race. 

It's always surprised me that so many boats race to Mahurangi but don't do the Auckland Regatta passage race home on the Monday. 


I have mixed feelings about the passage races. I see the appeal to get people involved who are mostly cruising the weekend. But they don't have anything like the spectacle of the big harbour races of old.

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The serious classics race to Mahurangi Friday evening , do the regatta and social Saturday, race back to town Sunday and race the Auckland Regatta Monday. Having done that numerous times , many of us would rather cruise over to the islands or Kawau for Sunday -or this year have a pleasant run home as the forecast looked a little perky for Monday.

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19 minutes ago, waikiore said:

-or this year have a pleasant run home as the forecast looked a little perky for Monday.

Yeah I figured the weather may have put a few off.... 

Although I did derive quite a bit of entertainment watching some madman putting up their Gennaker/Code0 in those gusts. It went exactly as one would imagine, with the boat ahead of him pulling away with far less sail and far less drama 😂

He even got into a broach situation right where you'd expect while getting past the ports. Great to watch, but not sure what the skipper thought was going to happen exactly....

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On 31/01/2024 at 10:06 AM, waikiore said:

And 12 boats racing in the classic launch race -by far the best viewing on the harbour , straight after the tug and workboat race. Might have to enter again next year ....

any video of the tug boat race?


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