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which forecast


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When does summer officially end? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


When does summer start??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


:clap: :clap: :clap: touche


When does daylight savings finish :?: :(


Im hoping for over 25kts tonight.....that should get the cruisers racing along nicely.

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Best thing i do, Is look at the forecast, Go the the beach/marina, Then decide if I wanna go or not, ITs all about feeling comfortable with the boat, If your not, Then its best not to go out.

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We recently came ashore after 3 months on the boat in the north (Gulf to BOI this year).


We usually use METvuw which we have found pretty useful over the past 3 years.


This time around we reckon that the Metservice forecasts (i,e the nowcasting chanels) are consistantly

5 knots below what is happening with wind speed.


We think there is a problem within their computer model - it has been that consistant.


5 knots sound like f*ck all but, for us on our moderate displacement 45 foot boat, it means the difference between

a jolly day sail and a whole lot of heart attack inducing winch work.

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for OZ and near by..

http://www.bom.gov.au excelant ! and getting better.

plus http://www.passageweather.com for a broader less "sensitive" picture.

I start at least 5 days out to get the trend.

Learning the isobars and patterns is a great help.

Most computer generated forecasts dont take into account "fronts"....because until they start programing in VERY local history they cant.


It will happen in time, but even though I aint an old fuddy duddy....Look up !


Local cloud trends are amazing as broad predictors. It has taken me years to relise just how good they are.

Yes they can "lie" but if combined with a 4 day isobar chart...all the other internet predictions...you can get close....


What is far far better is to be able to look to the sky and say to someone ...I think its going to get windy in 24 hours....

and being right. Great for the ego sure, but it makes a differance how you think about the weather.


Storm clouds...roll clouds...long wisps at high alltitude...titty clouds..(see if you can work that one out)

...and a few years ago clouds named because of the huge heat from bush fires....awesome..


and when you are out there on the water...it will be a cloud that will tell you that you need to do something quick or be in deep sh*t...Not a weather broadcast.

The further from land bassed influence the more accurate it is..

Now a drift from the original post, but I now use my radar to try and get around local storms..


parden my spelling

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