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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/02/23 in Posts

  1. Just been down and replaced my docklines, they were starting to get a bit tired so this was as good a time as any to replace them all. Took down sails and solar panels. I also went and inspected my neighbor boat, and its dock lines which looked like absolute sh*t. Am I out of line for going onto the neighbor boat and adding new docklines? I left their ones in place, just added more and made my ones slightly slacker so they should only kick in when theirs fail..
    6 points
  2. If you find any links, post them here. Auckland Harbour
    2 points
  3. Narrow Neck Beach. https://www.wakatere.org.nz/webcam/
    2 points
  4. I've turned into a pussy sailor. We are moving to the marina in a couple of hours. I'm calling it our Xmas cruise.
    2 points
  5. Not sure if this is the right place, but as they don't seem to have a website where I could leave a hearty thumbs up or two, here's a bit of praise for the folks at Aquaplumb, WE had two separate issues, one in the galley, one in the head, over about a three-week period in late Jan. and early Feb. Malcolm showed up swiftly to put the first to rights and then a pair of his juniors came (again quickly) to solve the head issue. They were cheerful, efficient, and pleasant to have aboard. Knock on wood, our water systems will not cause problems for a while, but when they do I know the nu
    1 point
  6. I would say so. We've had individual storms to match (Bola) but I haven't seen a consistent chain of them like this before in Auckland. I was in Tahiti in 83? Big el niño and cyclone after cyclone like this.
    1 point
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