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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/04/24 in Posts

  1. I think comparing non endangered Dolphins riding on the bow wave on a 6 knot S#$%box to Endangered Hectors dolphins swimming in a Protected Marine Reserve with boats with razor blades under them do 40 knots is pointless, and in Coutts' case somewhat disingenuous.
    3 points
  2. Happened to me many years ago except I didn't fall off. I was a deliberate step around the stern of my dinghy. Didn't quite expect to be stepping off the dock. At night, 'W' pier where you could tie up freely for it seemed as long as u wanted (that is another story entirely), winter, wet weather gear on cos it was blowing a hoolley and raining , on my jack jones, but the worst of it was - holding a 'new to me' 8 horse long shaft Merc outboard that I had bought from fast eddie the outboard guy in Ellerslie (used to be a Miller Moyes place there by the motorway and the guy worked there. TB
    2 points
  3. I found a report that was linked from the initial discussion piece whenever it was that it was notified. I’m not a marine biologist but the scientific rigour one would expect to be found to hang a policy like that on was massively lacking. The report was at best based on a level of science I would expect to find in a third rate primary school science fair. Mostly assumptions and negation of major untracked variables including a lack of evidence on food resource assessment and assumptions of human behaviour.
    1 point
  4. I veered off the dock in Noumea after a few celebratory drinks. Everyone thought it was deliberate so no harm done.
    1 point
  5. broken battern cars - you can see it in the start photos. main leech ripping .... hopefully all fixed
    1 point
  6. Repeating for clarity. "DOC does not have a role in permitting or allowing the race to go ahead. DOC’s role is to advocate for marine mammals and to carry out compliance functions if any incidents involving protected wildlife were to occur which may have broken the law." As it happens, neither do iwi. There is a requirement to consult, but they do not have a right of veto. Russell's problem is he wants a race in a marine sanctuary, but he doesn't want to stop racing if it's a problem. Now he wants that all at a time that is particularly problematic ie breeding season. Whe
    1 point
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