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twisty last won the day on April 13

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About twisty

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  1. My understanding is I need to get a condition survey for the boat every 5 years. That's what it has been so far.
  2. About bloody time !
  3. twisty


    I think comparing non endangered Dolphins riding on the bow wave on a 6 knot S#$%box to Endangered Hectors dolphins swimming in a Protected Marine Reserve with boats with razor blades under them do 40 knots is pointless, and in Coutts' case somewhat disingenuous.
  4. Not sure whether it has been mentioned here but the inaugural wooden boat festival is on next weekend at the viaduct
  5. twisty


    I have decided to sell the Iorangi after 25 years. Here is the Trademe listing https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/4338677600
  6. twisty

    Neat Video Links

    This is cool. Great sailing, no carnage
  7. twisty

    Neat Video Links

    This is pretty amazing
  8. twisty

    Neat Video Links

    Plenty of them here who don't go on Kiwibiker. For some reason Sailing and Bikes seems a symbiotic relationship.
  9. twisty

    Neat Video Links

    For the Bikies out there !
  10. You might also find it cheaper to replace it. There is a shop on trademe that sells chinese copies.Last one I bought was $299. I'm sure they aren't as good as the original (over $1000). I've had one for several years with no problems
  11. They actually go quite well considering they're basically a steel box with a pointy end. There's plenty of videos of them tipping over. With the water so shallow they just lie on their sides. I doubt they would be much good on the bash home from the bottom end on a breezy sunday !! This is what I want ≥ Skûtsje de twee gebroeders bj 1894 13,61 3.15 gebouwd te — Platbodems — Marktplaats.htm
  12. Hi Dutyfree. Sorry I don't know how to DM you !
  13. Hi Just to resurrect this thread. Does anyone know of options for cleaning boats in westhaven. I'm on the piles which makes it more awkward. Obviously I know about the FD
  14. The weather does seem a bit odd. Woke up this morning. Raining but not heavy, no wind. Hmmm, that cyclone was a fizzer !! Looked on Coastguard nowcasting. 80 knots peak at Mokes, 75 at whangaparaoa, 75 at Channel 5 at bean rock. It certainly seems to be significant in the open areas. Makes sense for the Govt to be cautious on this one. Better to be criticised for overreacting than not doing enough.
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