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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Has anyone ever called you a w^&#$@r BP ?
  2. Jon

    Navman 5500 crook

    I hate them sneaky rocks that do that.
  3. I’ve got two multifunctional displays, one in cockpit one down below, all integrated with AIS, digital radar. However we have two iPad on board with Navionics plus on phones and 90% of the time we use the iPad Found that actually more accurate going through passes into pacific lagoons etc, but for coastal cruising I’d say a well setup tablet is a good starting point, then add more as you get more adventurous The chart plotter comes into its own when we need ais and Radar to double check eyes and IPad But it all comes down to your personality, if your into computers and ga
  4. Jon

    Navman 5500 crook

    IMHO You have got twice the design life out of this unit. The easiest fix will be replacement
  5. I emailed their website last night reply below They have replacement parts on their website, just not the exact same one. Hi , we have never had a faulty temp sensor, no I don’t think there would be anyone with a spare one, you can buy from UK. please note its not that important the product works fine without it , so you can take you time getting one, most people don’t fit them so if you ask around I am sure there are some in NZ
  6. I may have found the fault I took it out yesterday and have it in my workshop, with a 12v battery connected to the in supply and connected to a battery charger and two 12v batteries connected in to create a 24v bank I can now see the led lights that are not visible when installed in the boat. It faulted straight away saying battery temp fault. So I’ve removed the wire that is just coiled up in the battery box and other end connected to unit, now it’s working as per. next question is should I just leave this disconnect or it’s a two core wire with a cap on end, can I get so
  7. I’m looking for a replacement charger for my Bowthurster battery bank The rest of the boats system is 12v with a step up charger to this 24volt bank Do any of you know of a unit or is it possible to connect each of the batteries in the 24v bank to the 12v system so they can charge off that and still give 24v. current unit that’s faulting as soon as I put power on is a Sterling BB122450 ie battery to battery 12v to 24v 50 amp https://sterling-power.com/products/battery-to-battery-chargers
  8. Thinking that should read “and or” but it don’t so your entitled to push it
  9. As Boo Boo said if you treat them with respect you won’t have any more difficulty than here It amazes me how a bad story is repeated a hundred fold yet good ones aren’t repeated, plus if you dig deep the bad stories are usually some American with a bad, self righteous attitude. We had a guy in Antigua that tried it on but that could have happened here, only time I’ve had someone ask for something was clearing into Fiji years ago when we were asked if we had any beer onboard, when we told him we had a tray of cans in the forward cabin he said “no have you got any cold beer onboard “ I
  10. I think I’ll change the SSANZ NoR to “ Flares must be current according to manufacturers date stamp” or the likes I’ve checked probably hundreds and only ever looked at expiration date, have I been neglectful ?
  11. I hadn’t seen that doco for a while, something that one should watch every decade Equally a lot has changed in what’s almost 30 years, but the weathers ability to surprise hasn’t
  12. Jon

    Gil OS1

    We left Minorca first week Nov, snow on the Sierra Nevada as we sailed down to Gibraltar so had a thick fleece and spray jacket on, rained coming into Gib Gib to Lanzarote was a bit bumpy and wet first day and half, should have waited one more days but had crew waiting in Lanz to do Atlantic with us. Got caught in a few massive downpours in mid Atlantic but by then was down to rugby shorts and tee shirt at night, got soaked in each one of these as the water was hitting the deck so hard it was bouncing up and hitting you in the face. They only lasted for about half an hour and was mi
  13. SSANZ Sailing Instructions always state Colregs apply between sunset and sunrise biggest change is RRS allow you to push a boat up and windward boat must keep clear where as colregs are all about overtaking vessel keeps clear and passing port to port etc over simplified but quite different
  14. Must have name on hull Jetskis have to be registered and have number visible
  15. Chemo I’ve got enough paperwork to confuse any plod, I’ve been stopped twice now and as soon as your say your heading to or from cancer treatment they just waive you on.
  16. Or maybe I just want to break out of the health system
  17. 😎😏 I didn’t say when this week or next and all locked up you wouldn’t know anyone was aboard plus is it safer to drive an hour each way twice than stay by myself onboard one night ? or an I just flying a decoy like the rowing verse outboard out to check boat on mooring
  18. Is DP a trailer yacht or a keeler with lifting keel ? or do you want to play both games ?
  19. I am, will go check lines, run engine, genset, watermaker and check bilges etc. I may also remove the 12volt motor from watermaker as bearing needs replacing in centrifugal clutch so can bring that home and replace plus a few other maintenance jobs I was going to do last month And if need be I’ll stay overnight so I don’t need to do two trips to get them done.
  20. 22.0 SAIL NUMBERS AND NAME 22.1 Yachts shall clearly display in legible characters at least 50mm but preferably 100mm in size, their registered name on the hull and YNZ sail number on the mainsail at least. This was pointed out to me doing boat checks for the RNI as per the 2017/2020 Safety regs Name must be on hull, sail numbers on mainsail only, the guy that pointed it out also said we had sail numbers on hull in the NoR so he added to hull (lucky he owns a printing company) So if not stated in NoR then not required on hull
  21. Jon

    Turning off AIS

    I live an hour from boat so leave AIS on plus have email alert setup as above so I know it’s where it should be plus if the boat disappears on marine traffic I know the batteries have possibly gone flat, I leave the fridges on and the breaker tripped (another story) on the shore power. I now have solar so not such an issue but it’s an easy way of checking from a far.
  22. Don’t assume that the SSANZ Triple Series will be business as usual we are planning to be up and running even under level two if we are allowed but it may not be the same as in the past. two sailors per competing yacht should not be a problem, however 10+ people to run the start boat may not be possible by the first race. We are looking at starting options from on shore, this may be anywhere in the harbour and there could be just 3 starts, as in all longhaul boats may start then 20 min later all shorthaul etc or the reverse. we are doing what we can to make this very pop
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