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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Lots of 15 or 20min sleeps I believe Listened to a sleep specialist on RNZ recently and sleep is something you can’t starve yourself of, eventually it just takes over (I’ve woken up on watch before and I’d suggest anyone who says they haven’t hasn’t been there)
  2. I T that was 10 years and a boat ago, but just meaning any system is only as good as it’s weakest point, metal gears would have been great. Offshore shorthanded sailing is all about man/woman management, we alway ran longer watches than most and it showed in results as the legs progressed Everyone can push hard for the first 150nm but backing that up 20hrs later with a leg 3 times longer, then, if your lucky 48hr stop and then 200nm. And your still only then in Napier. If your able to sneak below and grab a drink, put a pizza in the oven/boil the water for freeze dry or just gra
  3. ST 6000 with gyro compass course computer which was great could helm almost as good as a concentrating helmsman, but it could do it for days. Weak point was the RM linear drive, but we got good at replacing the drive belt. In the 2012 RNZ we stripped the gears not long after rounding the top. Then hand steered for 2.5 days, firstly 4 hours on 4 off, which became 1 hour on 45mins rest. Then the weather bomb hits, 15m waves but that made us decide to head into Golden Bay, order new gears from LB and got a group of friends to deliver all the way to Tarakohe Marina. 5min job to replace but ha
  4. Yes they give lots of options to hold when hoisting, dropping or trimming, even if it’s just wedging your leg against it. One upgrade for RNI that everyone says was the best thing they did is a really good autopilot (not saying you don’t have one now)
  5. Not sure if a Townson has enough room in the cockpit, but maybe that instead of a tiller extension
  6. It’s not true, shorthanded sailors don’t have short arms !
  7. Going forward we need to revamp all the above This year we just wanted to complete a full series with a prize giving plus a raftup after the last race. Halfway there, next year we need to revamp the soft cock division
  8. Current enters the Med from the Atlantic through the Straights of Gibraltar at or near the surface right across but stronger on the northern side Theres a counter current running out but down deep, it’s only 7nm wide but over 500m deep When we came out there was 25kt W blowing and the current was 3 to 4kts
  9. Not that hard really We sailed from the Med to NZ and only used 4 marinas and two of them were optional and only one was necessary (anti foul and canal measure) plus back up through Asia to the Suez wouldn’t be hard either As long as you don’t call getting fuel going to a marina, yet can always jerrycan from service station
  10. Updated entry list here, not many spots left. https://www.ssanz.co.nz/rni2023/
  11. That’s the major difference between Racetrack (fast) and PHRF (slow) rate of change
  12. Nana division a bit brutal Psyche we have a different name for it. Lots of boats in that division that could easily have done the Railblazer division 1, we increased the upper handicap to .860 phrf but don’t think May realised
  13. Working from mid pacific just became a reality for many I’d say
  14. Looks like a good start Think they should be offered as is where is, but one month to move onto the hard or the barge with the big jaws comes along Biggest issue will be they will just end up as someone else’s failed dream
  15. Everything is possible there are 3 ways that come to mind 1 Money (Sponsor the event) 2 Time (Volunteer to be race officer and be out there all night) 3 both of the above. (Join the committee and provide the committee boat/sponsor a course) some are happier to win a division of 40 something than 10ish boats (interesting how all podium boats would be below your split and everyone of these boats has selected this division and had the chance to swap if it didn’t suit. Leaders all sailed extremely we, it will be interesting to see what happens with differen
  16. I see there’s a few PHRF applications in with YNZ but these boats haven’t entered yet. Enter now as YNZ have promised to get all these processed by Thursday, you don’t need your cert at time of entry. If you still wish to apply do it today and Mark will work overtime I’m sure, but tomorrow will be cutting it fine
  17. You can also tap in at the alternator if that’s handier There will be a feed from the ignition to the alt, just turn on the ignition but don’t start the engine, use a multi meter to find the terminal with power and use a double spade terminal from there.
  18. Decision just been made, it’s an open division so won’t be split, if you want to change let us know as per above Next year we may have under 12.5m short course and over 11.5m medium course as this seems clearly to be what’s wanted, but it’s too late to change now that people have entered. Being over popular is a problem that we just need to suffer I guess
  19. We are having a meeting tonight so will identify these issues then contact entries over the next few days Plus if you think your in the wrong division or just want to change for any reason, contact Neil or email racing@ssanz.co.nz The system is automated and generates your entry on the data you fill in, we can and do edit all entries as required, however it’s easier to do this once we get most entered
  20. Good question for the briefing Course Sheets will be up soon if not already but here’s a sneak peak
  21. All good, Piedy’s want their own division, Y88’s are still getting organised If any other group want to get together we can do similar As Cam said, best race with others for the competition, but no drama to score any class or group over the series if there’s interest
  22. Seven in same division and they can ask for their own scoring within that Div or their own stand alone one
  23. There will be so shuffling of the pack yet due to unbalanced numbers but 90 at this point is showing there will be another great fleet Entries close in under a week now
  24. Jon

    Pier 21

    Anyone know if it’s sold and gone or just changed hands ? I was coming out there in August
  25. Something even better is in the pipeline, watch this space
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