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banaari last won the day on April 25 2015

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27 Good

About banaari

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    Advanced Member

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    Sailing, music, aviation, map-geekery

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  1. A coping strategy... Am What shall we do with a locked-down sailor? G What shall we do with a locked-down sailor? Am What shall we do with a locked-down sailor? C G Am Early in the morning [Ch] Way-hey and up she rises… Bleat about the lockdown till it’s over… Stare at the water and curse Jacinda… Sneak down the inlet before it’s daylight.. Drink all the rum (there’ll be none for sailing)…
  2. Damn. It's explicit: "Hunting, boating, yachting and any team sports or training are not allowed." https://covid19.govt.nz/alert-system/alert-level-3/#workers-and-businesses
  3. Oh joy... break out the popcorn as I tow the love object to a place where I can raise sail, with the dinghy...
  4. Oh sh*t Really sorry to hear that - the term "character forming" doesn't quite begin to cover it.
  5. I still shudder when I see the original crash sequence. Should be compulsory viewing for all would-be skippers.
  6. This says distinctly otherwise: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=11403767 "Mr Holland said it was now up to the couple's insurance company to decide what happened to the yacht. 'They may bring it back or say the cost of repairs and bringing it back are more than it's covered for so we really don't know what's going to happen to her yet,' he said."
  7. At the risk of a brief thread drift - WTF is "STUYA"?
  8. Manoeuvred the love object into position over the ramp high tide Thursday evening in the remains of the daylight in order to dry out and let tame expert crawl over and pronounce judgement Friday. Misjudged the temperature and spent the second-most uncomfortable night ever on board shivering in an inadequate sleeping bag. Tame expert turned up on schedule and lived through my exposition of the known skeletons-in-closet list; I got my first whiff of the vinegary contents of a 100% genuine osmotic blister, and we have a tentative way forward. This is likely to involve removing the keels to get th
  9. Opinion? Sure! Informed opinion would be a different story. I'd rest up and thus enjoy the regatta.
  10. One word: "Deliverance" Two words: "No wind"
  11. The moisture "from" the keelbolt was in fact coming _past_ the keelbolt from somewhere else, above the waterline and almost certainly a window. Nothing to do there. Weekend spent acquiring, assembling and filling shelves to create the Great Wall of Boat. Removed pretty much everything from the vessel so the poor bugger fingered to eyeball her this Friday and and draw me up The List can see what he needs to without my extensive debris field in the way. Unintended consequence: Two inches of anti-foul previously hidden below the waterline, horribly visible and revealing the hull to be in desper
  12. Finally got out to the boat yesterday, only to discover evidence of seepage from yet-another-keelbolt. Since the last one had no head left and popped out when gently tapped from underneath, I think this coming Saturday is spoken for. The sooner I can organise this winter's heavy engineering, the better...
  13. Stand by for one from my dog...
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