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Everything posted by Zozza

  1. This summer will be fantastic, with following Sou winds when going north, that will turn on key to WNW when going south.....and it will do this as I sold my other boat that I was campaigning for another that needs fixing.....
  2. and same with full keel....my boat technically has a long fin keel with a cut away forefoot, but you rarely will see that description given... and then we have "rope" v "line". "rode v scope" "Roe v Wade"....woops - wrong forum.
  3. Here is a case in point on this Trademe advert: "The topsides are suffering from a lack of paint and varnish and while retrievable at the moment, it is sacrilege for me to let her languish much longer" https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/4295481284 He's definitely meaning the cabin / cabinsides, but refers to them as topsides....
  4. Lazy Sunday arvo, and just thought I'd raise a topic that has intrigued me for years. I grew up in a non-yachting family, never belonged to a yacht club, not part of the boat building or design scene in NZ any way....I learnt nautical terms from overseas books, American and British, some European, and in all the overseas literature 'topsides' are the sides of the boat above the water line, ie the sides of the hull above the water. In NZ I have come to realise when sailors and boatbuilders talk about 'topsides' they are talking about the deck and or cabin. This has lead to some amus
  5. I saw the 7Sharp piece. To be fair, the Neville Nobody yapping about how everyone should have to have a licence to take a boat out on the water, did mention he was talking about motor boats. But, despite my disdain for some stinkpotter "captains" I feel licensing is a huge mistake, a bureaucratic nightmare, and will eventually sliver its way to the sailing community too.... and, it is just the filthy few of the stinkpot crowd that give them a bad name. And to be fair, some sailors are knobheads too, me included - ive done some dumb things on the water, and later reminisced and gave myse
  6. Correct. Structural floors will be glassed in now that the bilge water tank has been removed.
  7. Got the below email from the Marina in my inbox this evening: _______________ AT draft Regional Public Transport Plan open for feedback before 17 August Hi Boaties Auckland Transport have released their draft Regional Public Transport Plan 2023-2031 for feedback from the public. One of the proposed items in the plan is the removal of the Gulf Harbour ferry service once the Penlink road is built. AT are proposing replacing the ferry service with bus services. As locals, we are all well aware of the time it takes to commute from Gulf Harbour to the city by road. Currently the p
  8. Webb has been brutal about this fella: https://self-portraitinthepresentseajournal.blogspot.com/2023/07/lake-forest-what-le-tour-steps-and.html
  9. Dog be happy he didn't become a Hot Dog
  10. This sad tale has now hit the big time: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/300929329/americas-cup-yacht-stranded-in-north-auckland-locals-worried-about-environmental-risks I blame the previous owner. Should have got the piece of sh#t cut up / demolished.
  11. Spend a few hundred £ and get part A UK registry. Any commonwealth citizen can apply for a British Flag for their boat. This is one of the 'good' things that has happened re Brexit for us Kiwis is that UK wants to strengthen ties to the commonwealth post Brexit, and this is one of those things they have simplified to a certain extent....I say certain extent as there will still be some bureaucratic faffing around, paper work blah blah....but that is true for most things when dealing with governtments around the world
  12. Commercial at this stage? Nope, says recreational too... Maritime New Zealand recently stated that all vessels (recreational and commercial) must maintain a continuous anchor watch (lookout by sight and hearing) under Maritime Rule Part 22.5.
  13. So "if" they enforced it, that would pretty much outlaw singlehanding....
  14. There are limitations on most areas these days of how many new moorings you can lay, and anyway - it's not going to come close to the amount of boats that cruise and anchor in summer in the various spots in Hauraki and Northland where this weed has infiltrated. Containment is a waste of time. Move on and end the cottage industries of various bureaucrats that love to invent useless waste of time rules to keep themselves relevant.
  15. BP - write a book. I would buy it. I think your life in sailing / cruising, would be an enjoyable read. You can self publish these days quite easily.
  16. Get one made as I doubt you will get one 2nd hand https://cambrianplastics.co.nz/product/domes/
  17. The video will start in alignment with the subject line, but if you have 40 mins available to wind back from the start, I found the whole thing quite interesting even though it is a much bigger yacht than I'd ever want to own - the principles of maintenance are the same I guess and he tells good stories. The old salt is Walter Schulz who started and still runs Shannon Yachts, a line of heavy displacement cruising yachts out of the USA....
  18. Zozza

    Rocna anchors

    I have a Rocna 10kg and a Sarca Excel 9.5 if anyone is looking for a couple excellent anchors that I will be willing to let go - if interested then PM me
  19. Zozza


    Nice. Better post some photos at some stage, always a good antidote to view than some of the modern boxes that people call sailboats these days
  20. Zozza


    Some sort of William Atkin design?
  21. Cruise Ships, Freighters, Fish Tank nerds.... take your pick or probably all three are responsible. It's here and it 'aint going away.
  22. https://marinehowto.com/bed-it-tape/
  23. No. Order from America. Get 'Bed-It' Butyl. It is the best. Only drawback is the cost to ship it over here is rather wallet lightening... https://shop.sailboatowners.com/prod.php?55717/Rod+Collins+and+apos;+Bed-It+Tape
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