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aardvarkash10 last won the day on February 16

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1,102 Excellent

About aardvarkash10

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    Advanced Member

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    Auckland, NZ

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  1. Check with Steve Hill, yard manager at Panmure BYC. He was a big fan of the stuff and may have some.
  2. We ended up beach landing for pickup and on the pontoons returning Beach landing tested my surf IRB skills and found them wanting.
  3. Can anyone comment on the viability of tying up to pick up at Maraetai to passengers? We draw 1.7m
  4. Are you sure? I doubt that Altex could change the formulation without re-registered it. Has there been a new product registration, or any change in the product information? There may have been, but I wouldn't rule out environmental changes as the cause.
  5. Mrs Aardvark is blaming Blair's new baby.
  6. Everybody got their buckets ready for the tears of frustration?
  7. Ours were new last year. Well go for the good as new option. I suspect they will replace the entire bladder, can't see how it would be economical to remove the valve and fit a new one to the old bladder
  8. Dammit, we have two on the recall. Just checked, they are working fine. Recall is available now but apparently the replacement stock is not in town until March so they can stay in use until then...
  9. aardvarkash10

    37th AC

    You just described the lead up to every AC for the last 20 years or so. I have faith that money and hubris will win through.
  10. So with one press you can pull the anchor up and summon the fire service volunteer crew in Taihape!!
  11. Do you want a certified working device, or are you ok self checking and relying on your own judgement? $120 is two bottles of rum, so choose carefully
  12. Just updated. 63 responses now. If you have recently insured or reinsured, please complete the survey - even if you have completed with last year's details. This will help everyone track changes over time. Cheers A
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