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aardvarkash10 last won the day on July 21

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About aardvarkash10

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  1. Limited, it's pretty technical and subject to case law. Not an area of the ACC operations manual I have had to familiarise myself with fortunately.
  2. His commercial insurer won't pay as there is no legal ability to insure against compensation liability. However, his business will very likely have increased ACC levies as a result of the very high claims cost following the event.
  3. Unfortch, suicide is not deemed accidental under the act, but I get your drift
  4. If you need an anchor, AI has you covered
  5. It is a little known thing about ACC. IMO, they should talk more about it.
  6. Paid by ACC (you and me in other words). Accidental death whatever the cause and setting results in up to 5 years' income of the deceased paid to the estate. https://www.acc.co.nz/im-injured/financial-support/financial-support-after-death
  7. More often than you might think. That's the justice system at work. The evidence falls where it falls, the judge or jury assess on what they hear and see in the courtroom. This was a trial requiring " beyond reasonable doubt". That's a very high bar for a prosecution to hurdle, and rightly so. The judge had doubts, so the outcome was a foregone conclusion.
  8. Not guilty https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/522769/enchanter-trial-skipper-lance-goodhew-found-not-guilty-of-breaching-duties
  9. The Colin Chapman Law of Race Engineering is similar. He held that any car that made it past the finish line was over-engineered.
  10. "tighten it up until it goes spongey, then back off a 1/4 of a turn..." Advice we used to give home mechanics when they asked how tight spark plugs should be fitted. Works on rig too!
  11. Close the southbound lanes on the bridge and call it a grandstand.
  12. $131k reparations. https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350329490/boat-skipper-ordered-pay-131k-after-crashing-russells-blue-ferry
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