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Everything posted by MarkMT

  1. That would be a smart idea, rigger. Fish, do you have a source for that info about the beacons he was wearing? I haven't seen that elsewhere.
  2. MarkMT

    AC75 Class Rule

    Also of note: i.e. cyclors prohibited.
  3. For anyone interested in the minutiae, the 62 page class rule has just been released (curiously, in the middle of the night NZ time) https://www.americascup.com/en/news/20_AMERICA-S-CUP-AC75-CLASS-RULE-REVEALED.html
  4. Not trying to wind anyone up as Cris's response effectively settles the issue. Still Dan's point is interesting... I certainly concur with your second point about 'steward' - I don't think anyone would dispute that that term is gender-neutral. But I think it would be a lot harder to find people who consider 'stewardess' to also be gender-neutral. Indeed it's not hard to find references that explicitly define it in gender-specific terms and I suspect many would take the choice of language to mean that only women should apply. But whether a US court would take that view I have no idea.
  5. Not the way I understand it. Running the team and running the event are two different buckets of money. Though I have no idea what measures are in place to actually manage that.
  6. So only women should apply?? Interesting... https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/types/sex.cfm
  7. Apparently the deal is done - http://emirates-team-new-zealand.americascup.com/en/preview-news/272_AMERICA-S-CUP-BASE-PLAN-AGREED-FOR-AUCKLAND-2021.html http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12020528
  8. Is Cape of Good Hope such a difficult passage? Just asking. I know Webb Chiles did it solo westward last year in his Moore 24, though admittedly he's not known for seeking comfortable conditions. Laid ahull on a few occasions to wait out weather but seemed to manage without any great drama. Seems like it might involve less risk than what the correspondent above had to deal with.
  9. I think I've posted this before in a different context, but it bears repeating - we sail on two different boats...
  10. Managed to find a photo of the boat I saw - perhaps not the same one after all...
  11. Having seen the photo, it actually looks a bit like a boat I saw anchored just off the western side of Mimiwhangata on Saturday, opposite Whangaruru. I was out hiking the DOC reserve and had been down on the beach at the end of the peninsula, but as I got back to the top of the ridge I saw the boat heading out to sea. At that point the weather was beautiful and it wasn't till maybe 3-4 hours later that the storm blew through while I was on my way back to Auckland. There was also another boat of similar size, maybe a Townson, that came into the bay while I was there and was still there when I l
  12. Latest is they were airlifted off this morning and the boat is on the rocks... https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/352802/yachties-rescued-after-boat-hits-rocks
  13. Via twitter... in Italian - http://www.corriere.it/sport/18_marzo_13/america-s-cup-james-spithill-risale-luna-rossa-ci-sono-troppe-teste-un-solo-timone-2e70fed2-26b6-11e8-a3a0-e47b0114fbef.shtml And a fairly clunky translation by google - https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.corriere.it%2Fsport%2F18_marzo_13%2Famerica-s-cup-james-spithill-risale-luna-rossa-ci-sono-troppe-teste-un-solo-timone-2e70fed2-26b6-11e8-a3a0-e47b0114fbef.shtml%3Frefresh_ce-cp&edit-text=&act=url
  14. https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/national/350851/america-s-cup-village-what-s-the-plan Sounds like a bit of a dog's breakfast.
  15. And allows you to have an on-board Teppanyaki restaurant
  16. Who designed it? Local or offshore?
  17. LOL, apparently the forum editor software interprets 'b)' as
  18. MarkMT


    If you slow the video above down to 1/4 speed you'll see at about 0:06 that the stern is gone before the boat launches skyward.
  19. MarkMT


    Here's video of the incident behind the photo above - Looks like a design disaster to me... sailing at speed in flat water, they ripped the back 2 feet of the ama off.
  20. MarkMT


    Uh-oh... Photo by Andrea Francolini https://twitter.com/Afrancolini/status/959365154847653888 Other news at https://www.superfoiler.com/
  21. Their website says that they are importers of CopperCoat and CopperCoat's website confirms they are the NZ distributor. At some point it might be worth dropping a line to CC in the UK with your photos and let them know what's going on. http://www.mecmarine.co.nz/ http://coppercoat.com/contact/overseas-distributors/
  22. MarkMT


    Trying to figure out the rationale for designing these things as trimarans vs catamarans... http://bit.ly/2BoPQ2G Thoughts?
  23. No, different boat. Someone asked in the Q&A. Anyhow, it's sold now.
  24. To be fair, I used the term from my recollection of watching the video a day or so earlier and it was the idea that stuck in my mind not the actual word. He might have said jockey pole or something else.
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