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Black Panther

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Everything posted by Black Panther

  1. Good lord, people are hacking into transoms all over the country!
  2. I'd concentrate on the oven/cooker - priorities man!!!!
  3. If an older boat take a look at what weight you can take out of the rig. Just modern sails and rope alone might be the equivalent of a new keel. WHat do the professionals think??
  4. Yep, he was very well known around San Francisco when we were there.Had another boat I don't remember then got the Wylie which I'm guessing he was on when you met him?
  5. I thought that was a pretty useful$20 post
  6. Anyone else think this is getting silly? My boat breaks so many laws I might as well do the world a favour and sink it right now.
  7. As I thought, a bit more than an afternoon with a chainsaw.
  8. Got it, you are right, very interesting.
  9. A quick look at that Wallis and I couldn't see how it works???
  10. Thank you. I was wondering ever since I first saw Booboo's pics, that explains a lot. Do you thing you added weight or came out about even?
  11. Those long range forecasts are crap. Make no sense till 3-4 days out.
  12. When you cut the transom out, did you reinforce it beyond what was already there. I have a mental image of it folding in on itself if you cut out too much material???
  13. It would be really easy to make a proa out of that
  14. Thanks Wheels, that's closer to home.
  15. I know someone needs help with a stove, any suggestions?
  16. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/12/05/458586878/wreck-of-legendary-spanish-galleon-is-found-colombia-says
  17. No trick. I knew it was several locations, but mostly areas I am totally unfamiliar with. They sure looked to be enjoying themselves.
  18. We're bringing the boat down the coast next week, and with luck will have a "real fisherman" as a guest. Let's see if I can learn anything.
  19. I suspect the tongue was firmly embedded in the cheek there.
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