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Black Panther

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Everything posted by Black Panther

  1. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/4529675504
  2. I know these people, met them in Mexico years ago. Boat will take you anywhere https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/4548707297
  3. A few options https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/4541277385
  4. Also did whangrei to Brisbane a while back. Just sailed due north till it warmed up then turned left.
  5. Did August to November a few years back, no problem at all. Exactly as you described.
  6. Maybe just one more example of a much wider decline.?
  7. I lived with that for 8 yrs, good stove.
  8. Called Agua Mala (bad water) in Mexico. Can't see them but itchy little buggers. A function of warmer water?
  9. Black Panther


    It's a skyhook. Used to lift the boat for cleaning in remote places.
  10. No, but you made me Google waterside venom.
  11. Are you guys tlking racing or cruising? For a trip on the coast i have a quick look at the forecast (up to 1 minute) and if there's nothing nasty i go sailing.
  12. Interesting name. In the southern US cracker is a pejorative term.
  13. Sneaky little buggers, harder than spearing a kingfish. But you might be right, I forgot the burley.
  14. And for those who remember the glory days of the Crew.org end of year rum race, maybe you remember my then teenage daughter providing the live music. Here's her latest offerings
  15. I would consider wearing a helmet really stupid. I wasn't kidding about the step ladder. And my wife would never sail with me again.
  16. IMHO Platino was human error, totally.
  17. Ifi were buying a new cruising boat a traveler outside the cockpit would be one of my tickboxes.
  18. We're in Matamata getting ready for our visit to Hobbiton. I have camo gear and a crossbow, am I missing anything?
  19. I also think there is an over emphasis on equipment and not enough emphasis on skills and practice/experience. And attitude.
  20. I have a line fixed to the outboard end of the boom running to the gooseneck. I can attach a preventer either side without dangling off the end of the boom.
  21. That was cool. Even had good music.
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