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Priscilla II

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Everything posted by Priscilla II

  1. So do you square away the ongoing inequalities and socio economic deprivation that Maori still encounter today by using the passage of time as a excuse.
  2. Looks like Roger is MIA maybe he is off spending his bonus and $80 grand pay rise. https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/116680419/auckland-council-development-agency-ceo-roger-macdonald-on-unexplained-leave
  3. “What is with all the dramatics over the re enactment of the Endeavor?” For the descendants of the original inhabitants of Aotearoa the Endeavour replica represents a symbol of murder rape and the spread of disease. A harbinger to the loss of lands subjugation and disenfranchisement in their papatuanuku. Had to larf that it is Jenny Shipley heading up Tuia 250 as she is so well experienced in the dark art of ripping off others re the Mainzeal debacle. Did she ever pay that fine.
  4. Excuse my ignorance but with ports/windows of that size does getting Cat 1 make a issue about having on board alternative sources of shuttering the openings.
  5. Plenty of big windows very similar to a Oyster cabin top. Lose those in that sort of weather you are not going to have much time to come up with a cunning plan. Bloody tragic outcome very lucky the someone had a locator and once again well done those wonderful people in their fantastic flying machines.
  6. You can add the St Johns Ambulance Service that recently failed in securing full government funding. Pisses me off no end that essential life saving services have to squander vital resources to garner funds.
  7. You can’t go past the perennial Tilley.
  8. You may look like a twat but these work and work well. Also long sleeve cotton shirts with a decent collar from your local Hospice store which has a ready and cheap supply. Buy and wear a decent hat not a cap.
  9. You’re multi story that’s of benefit. Letterbox is a cracker.
  10. Crikey Puff with a property that close to a breaking sea I suppose you would be in the global warming is fake news camp.
  11. Finally racing. https://www.minitransat.fr/en/follow-race/cartography
  12. Crikey now no boom the wonders never cease.
  13. The Frackers have pulled one out of the “box’ so to speak and all these AC designs will be fast. We will have to wait until Cagliari next year to get a better idea. My pick is there will be little between them as the hulls are only platforms to hold the crew the flappy bilge keels and rig together until flight time is achieved. Well I suppose this is the end of hooks and dial ups.
  14. Launching tomorrow. https://youtu.be/-Jianv5t-hQ
  15. “And it will be welcomed by the 62 per cent of Aucklanders, who when polled by the working group, said moving the port would make Auckland a better place to live, work and visit.” Never asked me. Port presently pays $50m dividend to be replaced by net return of $48m wow that’s progress “A full move could reduce the dividend to $10m, but the EY report put alternative rates income at $42m, leasehold income at $56m and the net annual financial benefit to ratepayers at $48m a year.”
  16. Too right Puff. The idea of trucking the loads south from Marsden North Port is just plain friggin looney tunes. What’s a electric train set going to cost if that’s the preferred option to road transport. Ken Shirley will not be happy. What a piece of spin is this portion of the report. "The high land value that is required to continue operatings at the POAL site means Auckland ratepayers are potentially missing out on subsidies approximately worth $5b to $6b," the EY report said.
  17. Crikey if you took those flappy yellow bilge keels off I think it has promise.
  18. Bugger https://waitematawoodys.com/
  19. Crikey Armchair where on earth did that cracking gem of a conspiracy theory come from.However I agree that Panuku has gone down the ill informed ivory tower management disconnect from reality at Westhaven similar to Auckland Transports bizarre behaviour. TLA election time folks make the effort to contact your local contenders to voice your concerns.
  20. Yup, can remember being tossed around the work shop by a Wolf. Still available. https://nowpurchase.com/product/ralli-wolf-heavy-duty-drill-ch-ral29525drra160118
  21. Bit of tube in these. I would have thought plate heat exchangers would be at risk from clogging with calcium or mineral deposits. Fascinating things though.
  22. Had a test onsite recently between me the chippie with Makita, sparky with Dewalt and plumber with AEG. 150mm tungsten carbide hole saw through 3 x 18mm customwood gib framed wall and weatherboard. AEG was just junk. Dewalt nice chuck nowhere near the grunt of the Makita which was a wrist breaker, save your body and use the long bar provided. Model of Makita DHP481 running 6ah battery. Wheels why not look to a far more robust old school 240v engineers type drill for gearbox durability . Makita DP4000K is what we use.
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