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Neil C

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About Neil C

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  1. Duram 195 has worked for me . Get it from Bunnings / Placemakers
  2. 'Half Safe' by Ben Carlin an Aussie guy. In 1947 he bought a war surplus amphibious jeep and drove it across the Atlantic. Did a valve grind half way across !
  3. Thanks Josh, the Snow Petrel book is great reading, Also , the recently published biography by Ben Lowings ' The Dolphin - The Life of David Lewis'
  4. Isn't the sail drive water cooled , a 25 degree rise in the gear oil temperature is unlikely .
  5. An intermittent fault in the MDI 'black box' affecting the fuel stop solenoid ?
  6. Great work. Jack Holt will be smiling ! Back in the day they were kept on the ramp at Okahu Bay - Sceptre / Windtanz / Columbia / Rainbow and others
  7. E19 = the date of manufacture - May 2019
  8. Have you lifted/hinged up the cook top and found the kero filler cap on the LHS ?
  9. Smith design ? The Mariner stove/oven cook top is hinged at the rear, lift it up to expose the 3 burners and the kero filler cap is in the left hand rear corner. Fill the tank very slowly to allow the air to displace. Then follow erices lighting instructions !
  10. Neil C

    Hose clips

    Auckland Engineering Beaumont St have plastic hose clamp end caps - about 50c ea.
  11. Neil C

    Next project.

    Nice work Chris. Did you fiberglass the bottom panel on the inside and /or outside ?
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