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Dagwood last won the day on June 19

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About Dagwood

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  1. Dagwood


    That is terrifying. Would fully understand if he gave up sailing and bought a RV as a result.
  2. "The powerboat was travelling at an estimated 20.5 knots en route to Rawhiti Point around midday when an engine alarm sounded from the display unit next to the helm as the ship passed Toretore Island. Thomson was looking down at the display unit, scrolling through a list to identify the fault, for an estimated 90 seconds when he hit the ferry." If an engine alarm goes off, isn't it a normal instant reaction for virtually any skipper (let alone an experienced one) to almost instantly reduce power down to idle and select neutral while you try to figure out potential causes and quickly consi
  3. and Council will pick up all costs incurred by the previous haul out operator to reestablish themselves... Sorry, I can't any of it happening... It's a dead duck and that local board are holding the smoking gun and trying to find somewhere to hide it. Would be great if I'm proved wrong and I certainly have full respect for everyone who has been fighting the case...
  4. And what's likely to happen next? The Board Holds their hand up - admits they got it wrong and the previous operator is "invited" back to re-establish their operation or a version of it? or The Board ignores the feedback, goes to ground on the issue and simply lets time cement their preferred option or ???
  5. I appreciate hearing from the other side and credit to you for standing up - few others have. However that's got to be the best line I've read on here for years... Not going to happen and everyone knows it and that's why the demise of this facility has upset so many. You don't need much infrastructure to rig a fleet of Optis in a safe and environmentally manner but the same can't be said for the annual maintenance of a 30' keeler...
  6. Yeap, parts pricing for some marine engines are in another universe compared to industrial, transport and agricultural engines. Worth some research as sometimes there is an equivalent obtainable from those sectors at a much reduced cost.
  7. And around 6 watt transmission power as opposed to 25 watts....
  8. Worth checking it is set to "International" not USA or Can?
  9. Sad day indeed - these facilities will never be replaced. Just another nail in the coffin for the average Joe wanting to get afloat on anything that doesn't go on a trailer.. "Auckland City of Sails" - not for long.
  10. Can't actually remember seeing it being used and given it's in busy piece of water, been poorly lit for years, as well as a fairly rubbish radar target, the risk / benefit equation didn't add up in my book.
  11. Going back a few decades I think the following questions would be asked: Was the mooring arrangement inline with accepted best practice for the location and intended use (vessel size etc)? Was a reputable contractor used for it's installation and/or inspections? If the answer to both of those questions was yes, then it was more often than not put down to a "stuff happens" incident. NZ now seems much more ready to crawl over things to look for opportunities to nail it on someone. As someone else eluded to - I can almost hear the conversations at Auckland Transport - "I'
  12. I doubt if many CG volunteers would want to be involved in enforcement - it's not what they signed up for so unless you want to turn the organisation on it's head and also write a huge cheque... it's a no go.
  13. Talking to someone who delivers diesel in our wee region last night and it was eye opening how many 1,000's of litres are being delivered on a weekly basis to generate electricity when the network either can't supply enough or there are pricing spikes due to demand / supply making diesel a cheaper option. I suspect the funds being spent on the ferries would be better spent on boosting renewable power generation and distribution but I guess that isn't as sexy. A genuinely independent report into the state and future options for our electricity infrastructure based on engineering woul
  14. Dagwood

    sign writers

    Ron is Auckland based but might be an option. http://www.customairbrushfx.co.nz/
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