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Everything posted by khayyam

  1. Not sure that's the budget solution!
  2. Where do you keep the boat, and how often are you going to be lifting it on and off? If you're lifting a lot, and doing it somewhere awkward like a mooring, the lighter weight of a 2 stroke helps a lot. If the thing's just going to live on the stern except for getting it serviced, and then you lift it off in the marina, doesn't matter so much.
  3. I'd hazard a guess that most of those 26' and under boats have had inboards replaced by outboards now. Our Farr 727 had, and that was 10 year ago.
  4. khayyam

    37th AC

    Wanted to give themselves a bit of room to hook if tacked in front? Didn't quite get it right though obv.
  5. khayyam

    37th AC

    They looked so much quicker upwind in the light at least.
  6. I think you'd struggle to get a GP to write you an oxycodone script in NZ. They're really careful with giving that stuff out.
  7. khayyam

    37th AC

    It has been good. To my eye, Ineos have an edge downwind in the upper range conditions. But forecast is for light conditions for the last two possible race days so who knows? But yes at 6-4 seems like they will probably get there.
  8. khayyam

    37th AC

    I'm enjoying watching this round with close boats. It is pretty much about winning the start though, not much in the way of passing lanes.
  9. Wait for someone to drop a carbon rig and cut down what's left?
  10. Presumably they don't care and just run a reaching course.
  11. They certainly don't care what they block. On the other hand, it's only for 5 hours? Not so hard to work around.
  12. Anyone know if the details of the exclusion zone are publicly available? Searching for it just brings me back to this thread!
  13. khayyam

    37th AC

    I am looking forward to the final. No idea who's faster. LR maybe? But only just.
  14. khayyam

    37th AC

    Amazingly bad decision from LR to go for the penalty at the bottom mark and fall off the foil. Even if they'd got the penalty (which they didn't) falling off the foil would have been death. Too bad, spoiled what was a pretty decent race up to that point. Ineos-Alinghi continues to be incredibly dull despite the nominal improvement in the scoreline. I'd guess that they have a broader boundary for spectator boats, inside of which they can shift the course axis.
  15. khayyam

    37th AC

    USA might get one or two but I reckon LR fairly easily. Inios-LR might be good though.
  16. khayyam

    37th AC

    Penalties can be overcome, but if one boat comes off the foils they might as well just stop the race.
  17. khayyam

    37th AC

    Two of the "yawn" type last night sadly.
  18. khayyam

    37th AC

    The odd race is pretty good (ETNZ v AM last night). But an awful lot of them are quite dull. Nice to watch in replay to skip forward...
  19. Apparently she has a lifting keel. So if it was up, that would go some way to explaining the lack of stability. edit: Oh kestrahl I see you just said that, sorry!
  20. Formentera isn't even that big, so getting round the other side should be (relatively) easy if forecast? Somewhere bigger like Majorca takes a bit more doing to get round the other side. The gulf is amazingly cooperative with anchorages for every wind in a small area, the rest of the world isn't so accommodating!
  21. They do seem to have removed it (or at least moved it), which is too bad. Yes wetmaps is great, but the navionics sonar charts are much more detailed than the LINZ charts in many anchorages.
  22. khayyam


    Pole or swing mooring? I'd imagine the motion detection would be going off all the time on a swing.
  23. khayyam


    Locking just means more damage to the companionway when they force it.
  24. "Steering failure" apparently. Remains to be seen exactly what that really means. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2024/06/interislander-ferry-runs-aground-near-picton.html
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