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clipper, thanks for the ride on voom for the BB rum race last fri.


now the adrenaline has fully left my system it seems the main memory i'll keep


is my bum call to duck that 6? kn mono's stern


when we could have crossed clear ahead with our 12? kn


by calling the duck on a boat going half our speed, when we were fly'in a hull  


it all got very special as we turned down from a close reach to a broad reach and got even faster, with less space, to get behind them


well done in keeping us on the pace and below 45 degrees tilt for that DUCK


in my defense, that #1 should have a window so those calls don't have to be made by someone with only a glance after crawling out on a sliding tramp


i hope when single handing 


you remember the way that #1 leaves the helm so blind




have now worked out the 3rd call i could


and should


have made

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So.... Im back from the overseas travels!


Who is coming out for a night play at Kawau?


I hear i missed out on a fantastic weekend down bottom end of Waiheke...


And while you are at it, spare a thought for Route1. Last years race was a slog up hill with not enough wind to finish the race for some of us... Im really looking forward to see what this year brings...

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Voom is keen for kawau race. Really looking forward to it. Have to head home early Saturday morn, so if anyone knows anyone who is wanting a lift home Saturday, id love crew.

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Night Race to Kawau

Start 6.10PM Friday 12 February.


This is our lead in the the Route 1 (Route 66 for the crewed boats)


The night race to Kawau is a good manageable challenge for single handers who haven't experienced the challenge of sailing alone at night. And the course isn't too long. Who's in?

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Such a great weekend down at Waiheke. Real Deal will be on the line for Kawau. Looking light again so it will be nice not to be out there in the heat of the day. Where will party be? (must remember to park on less of a heel this time)

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Friday party: Word is you need to look for a large, mast-free trimaran with a bunch of singleminded types aboard, likely in Bon Accord (Schoolhouse?) Changed, can you verify?


Such a great weekend down at Waiheke. Real Deal will be on the line for Kawau. Looking light again so it will be nice not to be out there in the heat of the day. Where will party be? (must remember to park on less of a heel this time)

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a reasonable spacious diy 50C carbon kiln


is an old car in full sun on a hot day


small bits get the best hit on a newspaper covered dash


larger bits in the back of a station wagon


you can leave a thermometer in their too if you want to see how hot the bake

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Friday party: Word is you need to look for a large, mast-free trimaran with a bunch of singleminded types aboard, likely in Bon Accord (Schoolhouse?) Changed, can you verify?



"Friday finish" being loosely said as at 3kts N we will be lucky to finish before Valentines day! Although, powers to be advised that there will be a party regardless of what time we finish...


Whats the cut off time for the race? 

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Along with the SoloIQ NOR, the RYC "Gulf Series" NOR and GSI's pertain for this race:






Hence the cutoff is 8AM Saturday. Seriously.  :)


This race is being started by RNZYS out at Orekei, so please make sure you are aware of the times as per the notice. There will be a lot of boats on the start line and so we ask that you are extra cautious about maneuvering prior to the start to avoid problems. Finish boat will be Taipan (a 12m launch parked with a flashing light off of Momona Pt, Kawau - if you are finishing well after midnight and no patrol boat is on station please take your own time on passing Momona.)


As always, the final words on the race are in the NORs and SIs and relevant amendments.


Along those lines, please keep a look out for an amendment that will set the start times - this are being worked out presently and will be on the RYC notice board and online on the RYC notices page prior to the race.




And a last note - the SoloIQ prizegiving will be planned for 10AM Saturday on Impreza (a mastless trimaran owned by Taboo skipper Charlie, and also where the party is happening as you arrive into Kawau. Fri night / Sat morning)


All SoloIQ racers are also entered into the RYC Gulf series race - which has another prizegiving (aren't you all lucky!) on Saturday afternoon (4:30pm-ish) and will most likely be held under the big fig tree in Mansionhouse Bay - BBQ food provided, but feel free to bring your own as well. 


Looking forward to a great weekend. Contact me on PM if you have any questions.

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Amendment for start times now out:




Have a look at the amendment, but basically, SoloIQ follows the RYC divisions and will have two starts:


SoloIQ Div A (open), start with RYC Gulf Series Div C:

RYC Gulf Series Race 5,  Div C Keelers Open, flag is Black, start at 1820 hours


SoloIQ Div B (no extras) start with RYC Gulf Series Div E:

RYC Gulf Series Race 5,  DIv E No Extras, Flag is Black/White, start at 1805 hours


SoloIQ prizegiving 10AM on the temporarily-power-tri party barge (Impreza, parked in Bon Accord Harbour).


And remember to support the host club by showing up to the prizegiving for the Gulf Series race as well - 4:30 Saturday at Mansionhouse Bay.

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Very cool weekend for SoloIQ!

Huge thanks to Sail IQ and Charlie for organising a Mothership ☺


Race report is simple:

Start with a spinnaker wrap, allowing the fleet to get away and find soft patches, and then do about 746 gybes to avoid getting stuck (for hours on end)! Lots of confused looks from the big boat crews as you sail past them... Get to the finish, cross and than realize that there is a whole flotilla behind you ☺

Wicked after match function! Barbecue and drinks till 6:30am short sleep and another barbecue for breakfast! Awesome bunch of guys, camaraderie is remarkable.

Start photos are on Live Sail Die and are looking great! Suellen has done an awesome job (as always)


Really looking forward to Route1!!!

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