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Hi all, a few years back I was anchored at Rotoroa Island next to a beautiful yacht called Jasmine.  She is in the 30 to 40ft range I think (it was a long time ago). I was wondering if anyone knows of this boat and if so what design is she? were there any others built?


I am now looking around for my next boat and for some reason this boat has stayed in my mind all these years. Maybe she is a popular design but I was new to sailing then so would not have been familiar with different designs.


Any help would be appreciated, just want to know what she is and if any others were built?



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maybe a start?


according to the search function of yachting nz




Boat Name          Sail Number Designer Region Boat Class

JASMINE              2868             Bruce Farr     

JASMINE II           2562             Lovegrove    

JASMINE III          T1103           Alan Wright   Quintet 6.0

LADY JASMINE   6965             Alan Wright   Lotus 10.6



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Jasmine used to have Farr10 on the main I think.

Certainly a pretty boat and been a favourite for many years. Very well maintained last seen.

Agree BP, maybe a lower cabin top.

Def newer deep modern rudder blade and may keel too.

Pretty sure I've seen her recently southern side of Westhaven.

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You're right Chariot, often the best buys are often the boats that are not for sale, I currently own a fantastic boat (Elliott 9) and love her to bits, still, one never stops speculating and this was a boat that stuck in my mind. Its been a few years now and Ive come a long way, I look forward to seeing her at anchor again one day and seeing if she still stirs the same emotions that she did a few years back.

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Although I have enjoyed sailing on various Farr designs over the years I have never thought of his boats as particularly pretty. Jasmine however was one of the exceptions.  her original hull colour was - as the name suggests - pale yellow.  That might seem an unusual hull colour these days, but it worked.

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On 19/09/2020 at 9:08 AM, MuzzaB said:

Although I have enjoyed sailing on various Farr designs over the years I have never thought of his boats as particularly pretty. Jasmine however was one of the exceptions.  her original hull colour was - as the name suggests - pale yellow.  That might seem an unusual hull colour these days, but it worked.

Actually beg to differ, although true some Farr's  race boats looked pretty "functional", I always thought Ceramco was a really pretty boat, The 1020 and 1220 are both good looking girls and you cant say a Farr 38 hasnt got sleek and racey lines?? (bit biased as I'm now a farr 38 owner). And what about the newer Farr 395?

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