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Have your say on the YNZ Affiliation Levy process, and enter to win a YNZ Softshell Jacket!


Yachting New Zealand is asking for your views on the best method of attributing Affiliation Levies to Clubs.


This survey should take less than 5 minutes and at the end, provide your contact information if you want to be in the draw to win a YNZ Softshell Jacket. Winners will be drawn on completion of the survey, 23 October 2011.


Follow this link to take the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YNZ_Affiliation


It can also be found on the homepage of the YNZ Website, and the YNZ Facebook Page (do you ‘like’ us yet?)

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Is this another survey by YNZ where they don't really ask what people want, but try to steer answers towards a limited range of options? Hang on, I'll do the survey..... Ah, yes it is. :crazy:

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Tried not to look. But did. :crazy:


Two of the options contain sentences to this effect:

(ii) All active sailing members will be required to register with Yachting New Zealand and they will receive a unique number that will be theirs for life.

(iiI) YNZ would institute an audit of individual clubs’ returns on a regular basis

Firstly, most sectors of society - but definitely yachties - will run a mile to avoid being issued with a unique number for life.


Secondly, if the money YNZ is able to levy from clubs is not currently sufficient for their requirements, how do they propose to fund the administration of a system of unique numbers and/or auditing clubs?


From what I gather, there has been some fairly constructive debate on the topic at previous AGMs but proposals like this make it look like...I am lost for words. They will alienate their constituency.

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In the additional comments I asked why there had to be ONE model for all clubs.


I pointed out that:


( a ) Yachting is more than just racing... it's cruising (including day sailing) as well. Launch owners are members of clubs too. Social members exist too...


and that


( b ) different clubs have different mixes of the above in their purpose and membership make up


So, why doesn't YNZ just tell each club what their affiliation bill s and leave it up to each club to decide how they gather the funds to pay it. Some might have a generous benefactor who choses to pay it all and leave members not to have to worry about it... others may levy based on model 1, others on model 2 and 3... why not provide each club with the three models as suggested template approaches and say "It's up to you which you implement, or indeed whether you come up with your own custom method... but eityher way your bill is X."

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control, control, control,, They want to guarantee their revenue stream, they see themselves as an organization that yachting (racing) cannot live without, as with most organizations their ceo's first priority is "their" survival, anything that pertains to the membership is secondary. To be seen to be doing stuff they need more and more funds and more and more ways to to extract this need to be devised. Often in incremental ways until the sum of the small changes they make eventually get them to the amount required, where upon the whole process starts again.

It isn't just Yachting that cops this, it is all organizations with affiliated members.

Hard times may be close therefor they want to future proof their position.


Cynical, , Hell yes!

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perhaps YNZ need to look at reducing their costs must be a few clubs thta are looking at pulling out of affiliation as the financial situation worsens.

More than just a few I suspect.


The problem is that YNZ's original survey seemed to indicate that they expect to earn $x. How it is split up between all the clubs was their biggest conern. This means they don't appear to be considering that some clubs might be reconsidering maintaining their affiliation at all.

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This fee things been going on since I was a school boy and thru more than a few stints on YC and AYBA Committees.


What are the implications of a club de-affiliating themselves?

Supposedly they then can't run races using the ISAF rule book and won't get a copy of 'Briefings'.


But anyone knot paying fee's is OK. I belong to a few YC's and get the pleasure of paying multiple times so you can use some of my excess ones, they probably end up in the cocktail party slush fund anyway.

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Remember YNZ is not an organisation that represents sailors, it is an organisation that represents yacht clubs. You are not its members, the YCs are.

Makes it even more of an interesting proposition to open up a survey that appears to be anyone with a hankering to win a softshell jacket (presumably even soccer players and skateboarders? :eh: NTTIAWWT) at the end of which the clubs will be told "this is what the majority thought was best".

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Is interesting - having just bought a boat that is currently registered offshore (but local duty and gst paid) am pondering whether to keep the offshore registration or " to come on board " - so to speak... am a current member of 2 yacht clubs so pay indirectly to the federation but not through direct registration ... any thoughts...

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Well that is the interesting thing. YNZ do allow direct membership, but if you are paying through your club, YNZ has no knowledge of who you are. They don't request nor do they get information on individuals.


If you belong to a club, then you pay, whether you are a fizz boater, launch driver, cruising yachtie, club rum racer or full on represent NZ racer. But you all pay the same. Yes there is levy relief for some, but they don't make it easy.


It has never been clear to me just what it is that YNZ do for the everyday boatie. Oh yes they claim to try to look after the interests of general boaties but in Auckland for example the AYBA is far more visible at anti mussel farm or mooring hearings than YNZ. We only pay the AYBA around $3 per member. For your grass roots mum, dad and the 2.5 kids day boatie, this is where it's at.


Yes YNZ does heaps to support the youth sailing and develop NZ racing fraternity, but the question becomes one of relevance when people are struggling to own a boat at all.

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As KM said, this has been going on since when.

I don't want to affend anybody here, but I feel that whatever YNZ do, you will complain.

1st off, they gave 3 options. What did you want 65 options?

secondly they gave you an option to give an alternative suggestion, so I think you're all being a bit hard on them.

Remember that YNZ are there to make sure we develop top class sailors, and do well at all international sailing events. That costs money and I believe users pay.

Hell, for me $50 is well worth paying (I ticked option 2)

You can't say they are not getting the results. NZ has the best Americas Cup Skipper EVER.

NZers have completely dominated AC as well as most Whitbreads in the past. Not long and they'll also be dominating the multihull scene as well.

Give them a break. They are trying to accommodate us with this questionnare, and don't desreve the flack they are getting.

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John, yes they do. Alot of their funding comes from SPARC and not from us. However they still need to get (and I could well be wrong on this figure) around $475,000 from yacht clubs. At no stage have they made membership voluntary or suggested it could be, so therefore clubs are left with either join up and tax all their members approx $40 on YNZ behalf, or they can opt out altogether. Some yacht clubs have done the latter already, and who knows how many, if any will do so in the future. I expect an interesting YNZ AGM.


Actually this is far too big a subject to type on here, and I have to go to work. John, I believe that events will unfold in due course. I too am happy to be a member of YNZ, but I certainly understand why alot of people aren't.

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If we follow the government line joining should be optional, just like they have legislated for the student union levies. You want it, you believe in it, YOU support and pay for it. There are a lot of clubs now that are mainly cruising oriented with a small racing fraternity, they should be able to vote democraticly whether to support or not.

It is only recent times where funding sport for winners has become the norm. NZ has a proud history of sportsmen / women rising to the top from individual belief and effort. Smaller sports don't get a look in. Compulsory funding is soon is gobbled up by the administrators and decission maker, bugger all actually gets to the guys out on that actually go out and compete.

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