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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/23 in all areas

  1. https://niwa.co.nz/climate/seasonal-climate-outlook/seasonal-climate-outlook-september-november-2023 Some highlights, essentially its going to be fresh SW with a lot of clear days Air pressure is forecast to be above normal to the northwest of Aotearoa/New Zealand and below normal to the south of the country, leading to more southwesterly quarter winds than normal across the country for the season as a whole. However, the pattern during the first half of September will differ from this theme, with more easterly quarter winds. Spring rainfall is about equally likely to
    1 point
  2. Hi we are currently looking for additional crew for the Coastal Classic as well as weekend races and cruising. Red Baron is a Bavaria 41 Bruce Farr design and we have sailed most Coastal Classics since 2014. Please send your interest and sailing experience to 022 186 8400 and I will come back to you.
    1 point
  3. Another NZCYA classic...
    1 point
  4. Ahhh yeah it's a mock up. Best way I could think of to do it relatively cheap. And yup electrical conduit is more pricey than ya would like or expect when paying retail. Normally I keep plenty from demo jobs but got sick of throwing it out so stopped keeping it.
    1 point
  5. Funnily enough the Elliott I mentioned had started its life in Perth, and over 30 years been a fair number of places in between there and Auckland harbour with its trusty old 18hp engine... Yes you want a boat to motor well, but a 30hp should be fine in a whiting 40, or at least worth not ruling it out without investigation.
    1 point
  6. Well, I've been asked to comment and if you know me, you know I love to comment... Yes, please fill the survey out, folks! select that "strongly support" option when it asks about the hardstand, tell them it's insane to propose a $10mil park when they have no money to do so! The boatyard is so, so critical to local boats, particularly (and, I admit, very selfishly) multihulls. It's an absolute farce that a certain chair of a certain Akarana Marine Sports Charitable Trust seems to have the Orakei Local Board wrapped around their finger, and it's utterly tragic but most RAYC members an
    1 point
  7. Yeah sorry It was the 13hp engine and it’s still pop popping
    1 point
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