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Everything posted by Timberwolfy

  1. Coast Guard just sent out an update in their emailer: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12021330 lucky man!
  2. well done everyone! really wish I could have been there but even if I'd sorted out crew I'd have certainly pulled the pin in those conditions. proud of you all!
  3. Wild Oats has withdrawn, not sure why. wishing everyone well!
  4. well, bummer, the International rep told me 1 can and scotchbrite...
  5. Stunning!! I dream of a galley like that!
  6. Just scrubbed today! Westhaven piles, regular (albeit slow; she's only 7.5m!) year-round racing and cruising. Scraped 10 years of antifoul off in July and repainted with Ultra 2. I guess it's good I scraped, since I'd have been stuffed if it turned out the original job was soft and it all flaked off, but I do sort of regret it, as the old paint job wasn't in bad shape and I'm now down to primer and even fibreglass (gelcoat? Sorry, not sure how to tell the difference) in several large patches. The barnacles and weedy growth in those places are ROUGH, but the rest wipes down like a char
  7. An alternative method: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156169892097591&id=182454457590
  8. And the shore crew has 3 days to do 2 weeks' work. They'll be missing the in-port race. Wishing them well. I bet it's pretty emotional...
  9. This guy fascinated me when I first made an account here...! I've been wondering where he was off to. If there's no mental illness involved as you say, his actions are quite curious. So much effort... to gain what?
  10. we had the 50-50-50 rule in the States: 50 minutes in 50ºFahrenheit water gives you a 50% chance of survival. 50ºF is 10ºC, so adjust the time and temp values as needed and you can guesstimate the percentage. it's never a pretty picture. rule #1: stay on the boat!
  11. what does a dog say? rough. I got really nervous around 10pm and was thinking maybe I should go check on her, looked at nowcasting and saw 46 gusting 60WNW. rowing out in that, in the dark, seemed like a poor choice... though it would have been a very quick trip. ... I'm glad I didn't have any sails on deck. worst case scenario, I'm buying new solar panels (left them tied down, d'oh). best case scenario they survived, or they ripped out my deck railings and I get new-new under insurance and a nightmare of rain-soaked holes to deal with.
  12. Well, that's motivated me to get off crew and get back to work. So, thanks, I guess?
  13. Marina crew has kind of dropped in quality since the start of the summer... any time I'm on board (piles) after 9pm they ask if I'm staying the night. Every time, I say, "no, thank you, I am aware of the rules and you have asked me this multiple times." Hit my boat and the boat next to mine with the patrol boat (why you would shift into neutral barely 3m directly upwind of a moored yacht in a 20kt blow is completely beyond me). Had to call the office to get the crew members' names because they suddenly lost interest in talking to me when I fended the patrol boat off with my foot and some c
  14. Oh and KM: they were allowed to suspend racing, divert, seek shelter, then reprovision anything used before returning to the point of suspension and resume racing with no penalty. Ocean Racing Club of Victoria handled it really well.
  15. I've been following the Facebook page -- loving the updates. Everyone's luck has really been all over the place.
  16. Thanks IT a mate's offered to lend a hand Weds or Thurs as well. Hopefully I/we can suss it out. Fortunately it's just the interior light/USB port circuit, but it would be nice if I didn't have to worry about my phone (aka GPS) dying during the race.
  17. Merc's in, so long as I can fix whatever's wrong with the $%#@ing electrics this time by the end of the week... Might even have shiny new halyard clutches installed too!
  18. Hope everyone has snax (and maybe a book or two, depending on how light it gets).
  19. Bouwe on Brunel's Leg 7 win with relation to the loss of John: "he was always in my mind." https://www.facebook.com/volvooceanrace/videos/10156775975062437/
  20. bump -- still seeking crew I've been racing 1-3 times a week for the last 4 years, including several thousand ocean miles, both racing and deliveries (all with crews of 3 or more). Moved to Auckland 2 years ago and since then have done a Triple Series on other people's boats, bought my first boat and have been doing this year's singlehanded series and solo/shorthanded Hauraki Gulf cruising. Looking to find someone experienced to join me onboard for the 100-miler. Boat is well-built and comfortable.
  21. attempting to sail across the Arctic Ocean... it looks difficult! his website is rough, but here's a link: https://www.sebroubinet.eu/english/home.html that's a lot of work when they could just go ice boating! though ice boats don't like snow very much. here is what my friends do up north when the water "goes hard" for the season:
  22. Another question... The stringer that I repaired supports the forward, port quarter of the cockpit. I stepped into the cockpit yesterday and heard another crack, so just had a look underneath, and now the stringer that supports the port, aft quarter of the cockpit is cracked. Pretty much identical break as the first one. Will be easy enough to fix now that I know how, but should I be concerned that they cracked in sequence like that? Is this potentially indicative of a larger issue? The floorboards seem fine...
  23. Wheels, from my understanding, they're similar, but survival suits tend to include higher tech than dry suits. Dry suits are a step or two up from a hardcore ocean bibs&jacket combo (eg, Musto HPX): https://www.waveinn.com/nautical-fishing/sailing-equipment-drysuits/11810/s I believe survival suits often have to pass certain criteria to be considered as such (eg, flame- and impact-resistance, inflatable chambers, etc): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survival_suit So a survival suit is a dry suit but not all dry suits are survival suits. Not sure what's standard kit for VOR.
  24. Volvo are saying it's still on, but becoming more and more limited: https://www.facebook.com/volvooceanrace/photos/a.397718232436.192058.137241232436/10156744561897437 12 hours have passed. This is now a search to recover a body.
  25. I would be amazed if they didn't have a GPS MOB system. It will be interesting to see what comes of the inquiry. Can't imagine how sombre the mood must be on Scallywag right now.
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