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Everything posted by aardvarkash10

  1. The more serious charges are the later ones. Hence the final paragraph.
  2. Hell CD, whats wrong with you, bringing facts to an argument? Next you'll be rattling on about due process.
  3. Belongs here b/c: BP's daughter will appreciate the instrument building Anyone who references gifts from Jack White is ok in my book. That includes the Flaming Lips. That cymbal is the most wrecked bit of music equipment I've ever seen Seasick Steve is a name that would suit the Patron Saint of Crew
  4. Did Worksafe audit the safety plans? Or did a third party audit them? We have stepped a LONG way from the original subject. If there is a link, its the question about oversight, regulation, and enforcement of laws intended to improve or assure safety. Pehaprs we should move from volcanology and tourism back to basic seamanship.
  5. The charges were against the helicoper operators who responded to the event. They had nothing ot do with putting the tourists there, they were involved in getting them out. No-one was injured or died as a result of hte actions of htehelicopter companies.
  6. As above. The plea bargaining is a very normal judicial process. It reduces the cost to all parties while recognising the key elements of the charges albeit at a lower level. Fact remains, Worksafe prosecuted the companies on the basis that they had failed to take appropriate action ot reduce risk, even though no-one was harmed by those companies or by the risk they experienced.
  7. Yes, that is EXACTLY what happened this week in the White Island prosecutions against the helicopter operators. All 3 pleaded guilty to breaches of the HSE Act
  8. So is that a vote for greater govt regulation, or against it?
  9. On that basis we would not have any safety standards for anything. Its not about people who make informed choices - its about those making uninformed choices. The tourists on White Island had a right, surely, to expect that the tour was safe. Adventure activity providers have, for many years now, understood that their job was to provide an experience that held the FEELING of danger without the actual danger. Bungee is an excellent example - in your mind you are plunging to certain death, but also in your mind the provider has done the engineering, training, product testing, maintenance
  10. This is a somewhat cynical comment. NZ has an unenviable record of damaging and killing people who were in positions where they were owed a duty of care. Our rate of death from workplace accidents is high when compared to our OECD partners. We throw people off bridges tied to bits of rubber band, we hurtle them down and up river gorges at high speed in unstable craft both powered and unpowered, we take people out to unpredictble active volcanic islands, we clear trees on unstable and steep hillsides using cheap labour and hazardous equipment, etc. In the case of White Island, t
  11. Warpaint isn't a hard antifoul. Ours is now 2 years old and slightly overdue. I'll use it again, normal recoat precautions apply.
  12. 22.5 Look-out Every vessel must at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions, so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and the risk of collision. Users should note that this is a part of Subsection 1 entitled "Steering and Sailing". Everything in that subsection refers to ships mutually in motion. I take from that that the intent of the subsection to only address the requirements of ships in motion, not at anchor. If it were to include at anchor vessels, they would specif
  13. on a more helpful note, what about this? Less than $60, includes hourmeter, sinewave pulse driven just like the Yanmar item. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004154997650.html?pdp_npi=2%40dis!NZD!NZ%2431.82!NZ%2420.37!!!!!%402101c5a416876808003535859e9074!12000028219733729!btf&_t=pvid:ebd1bc43-aee4-424b-83d5-6eb0a8d289f8&afTraceInfo=1005004154997650__pc__pcBridgePPC__xxxxxx__1687680800&spm=a2g0o.ppclist.product.mainProduct
  14. lol "high revving" and "3k" in the same sentence...🤣🤣🤣
  15. Bottom end (eastern side of Waiheke). Rotoroa Island is a great anchorage as well as a solid half to full day ashore with views, a couple of nice swimming beaches and wildlife esp. birds. Man'o'War Bay is (in)famous for its anchorage, restaurant and vineyard, and for the fit its a good half day walk up to Stoney Batter gun emplacement for history and views. A short skip across the Thames inlet to Te Kouma harbour, then up to the Barrier for a couple of days, home via Kawau, Tiri, Rakino take your pick. As Raz says, stay flexible. Winds may dictate your direction of travel.
  16. neither strong enough to withstand a pounding by waves etc
  17. this makes wind generators sound good...
  18. Possibly. People are, after all, a part of the global economy
  19. with a global economy comes global impacts
  20. so a sushi empire is out of the question then.
  21. this is the nub of it for me. Apochrophal miscreant aquarium owners notwithstanding, the problem is now one of post-hoc management. Anchoring bans are simply a part of that management.
  22. Thanks K 1) Perhaps I misconstrued your message. Accepted - thanks for hte clarification, and please accept an apology. 2) MPI has said it is possible / probable. Thats not blame, its asserting a hypothesis. It's a realistic hypothesis, as is tidal drift etc. 3) There is no hard evidence for anything about it except for its existance (and its spread through tidal movement). It could have come from a number of sources, some more likely than others. Thats doesn't mean boats are not the cause, nor does it mean they are the main cause - the fact is, no-one knows at this point.
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