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Everything posted by MarkMT

  1. I'm just getting ready to board the ferry in Picton. Due in Wellington about 10:30pm. Hopefully the storm is moving slowly enough that things won't get too funky out there.
  2. I happened to drive through Taipa yesterday, and it's still sitting in the river there.
  3. MarkMT

    Oracle capsize

    From Oracle on Twitter... We had a slow capsize in our ACC boat during training on Bermuda’s Great Sound on Saturday afternoon. All crew are safe and unhurt… 1/2. 2/2… initial indications are that damage to the boat and wing is minimal. More information will be released in due course.
  4. This is from a youtube channel I follow, and coincidentally includes some extra footage of the boat above before the actual crash, together with some commentary. The crash itself isn't till about 8:15 in.
  5. And interestingly, she noted that not having the preventer could lead to... That was the last blog entry before the dismasting.
  6. I haven't read this but happened to run across it on amazon a couple of days ago, along with the one you mentioned... https://www.amazon.com/Solo-Coastal-Sailing-single-handed-off-shore-ebook/dp/B00XUORMMM/ And of course if you're just looking for inspiration, there's all Webb Chiles work, which is mostly singlehanded - https://www.amazon.com/Webb-Chiles/e/B001H6IYIQ/ref=sr_tc_2_0?qid=1491266010&sr=1-2-ent
  7. MarkMT


    And there I was thinking it was going to be a post about ginger beer.
  8. If a refurb is something you want to consider, you might find it helpful to check out some youtube channels of people doing just that. A couple I keep an eye on... https://www.youtube.com/user/madsdahlke https://www.youtube.com/user/jjohnson0882
  9. MarkMT

    Knox Johnson

    https://www.avauntmagazine.com/adventure/sir-robin-knox-johnston Some thoughts that might resonate...
  10. Cool Change, Ilex and Rigmarole are on their way. Quite a battle overnight between Arbitare and Oracle.
  11. Also one by Peter Blake on the Round Australia race http://dragdevicedb.com/drogues-on-trimarans/dt-1-trimaran-steinlager
  12. More photos of the second one https://littleboatproject.org/sea-trial/ Striking resemblance to an oven.
  13. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=11814858 This is crazy. Lucky no one was impaled.
  14. Another good media report on Conrad - http://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/03/sport/conrad-colman-vendee-globe-yachting/index.html
  15. Good stuff for a first attempt at streaming.
  16. So now Auckland Council are running a film studio???
  17. "Four Years After America’s Cup Loss, Team New Zealand Is Not Over It" https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/28/sports/sailing/americas-cup-emirates-team-new-zealand.html
  18. AIS confirms location and speed roughly west. https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:174.6/centery:-41.3/zoom:12
  19. In the One News piece the other night I thought they said that at one point Conrad had fallen off the boat, and I really thought I might have mis-heard or misunderstood. But no, it really happened... https://www.facebook.com/matthewsheahan880/posts/1236485209734470:0
  20. Fantastic crowd onshore https://twitter.com/conradcolman/status/835133992995278859
  21. Great summary article http://www.vendeeglobe.org/en/news/18985/the-crazy-kiwi-conrad-colman-takes-sixteenth-place Couple of snippets I found interesting -
  22. https://twitter.com/conradcolman/status/835131333760454657
  23. Fantastic! He's done it! https://twitter.com/VendeeGlobe/status/835126640564916225
  24. Via that link, this one - http://www.ouest-france.fr/sport/voile/multicoques-geants-surpuissants-tres-rapides-et-potentiellement-dangereux-3488667 with the photo below.
  25. Good article here - http://www.newsroom.co.nz/2017/02/23/vendee-globe-colman/ Something I didn't know - he's a vegetarian, so catching fish is not considered an option.
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