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Everything posted by harrytom

  1. Did he give any indication how long before they think tanks will burst?? Picking oil will preserve inside of tanks.
  2. Thats whats it for outboard flushing,there is an attachment that fits the hose and you pour it in. I personnally just use water. I do the taste test after 5 minutes and no issues
  3. Re watched the programme last night. They could smell oil in the air then spotted a small slick,using sonar and dropping a camera down. The camera on retrevil had thick black oil on part of the cable so maybe not to far from rupturing?
  4. Tv3 last Sunday had a good programme on it . Ocean Bounty. Where they located the ship as witnessed oil on surface.Sent a camera down https://www.threenow.co.nz/shows/ocean-bounty/season-5-ep-13/S1247-430/M78402-189 Might have to log in/sign up
  5. Im just impressed how quick they finished the project.Pity other infrastructures take months
  6. Bring back the sh^t cart. Never blocked or broke
  7. Funy you say that. That was our thought last weekend last weekend down the bottom end.
  8. banana skins can make good lures too.
  9. And another one,friend onboard ship so have to wait for report. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/travel/cruise-ship-pacific-explorer-makes-second-dramatic-mayday-rescue/3J2TYK7WPFEFXJQ6YEGM7IQ3TA/
  10. According to the guys who work/paint the bridge ,they are hammeheads,come up to the warm shallows to drop their pups,now f you want GW go to tipitai island (cake) on the Manukau,its their breeding ground. Theres a good book out by Mavis Brambly "sea cockies of the Manukau" her family use to catch them for the livers and render down for oil.
  11. Yet during the 30/40/50s lot fished the sewer beacon at orakei.dont recall the old man saying they got sick.
  12. slipped under the radar, wonder what the results will show? https://www.waihekegulfnews.co.nz/divers-suck-up-more-than-10-tonnes-of-caulerpa-at-aotea/
  13. She might be quicker without the foil drag?
  14. One would think with the historical value of the Daldy. The poal would supply some funding and be part of the on the water exhibits at the maritime museum.
  15. Maybe stop poking funds in the SS Toroa at Lincoln Rd and get the willie c back to operation.Went pass the toroa today trying to be polite here but shes stuffed. Should of kept the Makora but she is under the motorway extension at St marys bay. Could convert her oil burning but why would you,the amount of emmisions verses the smoke etc from volcanoes/rotorua/wairaki is minimal.
  16. Manukau sold their golf course off(takanin) now houses and shops. I see the same happening at Pakuranga,apartments being built on the course where the water feature was.
  17. Auckland boating population needs to find a suitable tide and grid at every available Wharf Where else can we clean off? You the council insist clean below good to go.Right.
  18. Who even new the preliminarily regatta was on?? First I heard when they announced racing was cancelled due to wind https://www.americascup.com/
  19. Have a chat to BG sails in Botany. they are the Hyde agent, My main was loose foot but had a slug at the leach which went in the boom,5 yrs ago $1200,2 weeks from placement of order to arrival,full batten cav26ft
  20. Talking to NIWA divers downtown who were carrying out some sort of study.the are more concerned with fan worm removal and will heading north shortly.BOI to do more eradication.Asked about dredging the calpulas weed and verdict was waste of time.But yes more likely we have moved it from barrier to others places unknowingly as not report to til 2 yrs ago.
  21. harrytom

    Birdsall Plans

    Sailed from Te kouma to Hooks bay(waiheke 23 yrs ago,owned by a guy called "Mid" , his girlfriend rambled on how he was a great sailor,comms fisher,He was an absolute dick. Why were we onboard?? went away with friends who wanted to stay on in Te Kouma and we needed to get back for work pybc,basic boat back then,no forward hatch and punching in to sw boat slowly filled up and continous bilge pump going, got to hooks,where crew my wife and I got off caught a taxi to maraeti and caught the ferry home,sat on trademe in Whangarei for months ,maybe 2yrs,not sure if it sold.
  22. painter ,buggered if I know why, but when you give another vessel a towing line it becomes a tow rope
  23. There 7 ropes on a sailing ship,1 is a bell rope, buggered if I can remember the rest. Arr bolt rope ,the rope sewn in to foot of sail that slides along boom,foot rope on a yard.most are from sailing ships,Learnt it at sea scouts 45 yr ago.might have to google it
  24. How did we miss David Crosby, January
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