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chippie last won the day on April 14 2018

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About chippie

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  1. Sorry IT, haven't seen it yet.
  2. We need a valuation of a full set of secondhand Raymarine instruments that were flood damaged in the January storm. Any ideas on who to contact?
  3. Two of us, forty years, three yachts, no arguments. It all comes down to the people in the partnership!
  4. The leeward pole man is definitely the depth sounder, it's shallow there. And those bows seem to be making a comeback in some of the recent designs.
  5. One metre of water through my workshop. Lots of power tools took a bath. Thought I'd let them dry out with a bit of help and then pluck up courage to pull the triggers. Not super hopeful!
  6. Now that's worth a try. Thanks for that.
  7. Seems a pathetic thing to bring up but we've replaced some quite old ones in the last couple of years and the new ones self destructed in a few months! Anybody got an idea which brands last a bit longer than that?
  8. My mate's currently got eight old optimists that we have a couple of race days each year too. Heaps of fun, just not much room, hence buying at least a couple of old lasers We swap boats each race and everyone has a turn at Start Officer. Most of them are aluminium, of all things, so the barging at the start is something to see. And hear! Minimum age sixty to compete.
  9. Thanks! Not sure where the green shed is but I'll have a look. I've sailed a few old lasers but have to admit I don't really know what to look out for. I gather cracks around the mast step is one thing to watch for and not leaking I'm quite keen on! Other than that, they don't have to be anything flash. We reckon we'll just swap boats all the time as a rudimentary, keep it fair, handicapping.
  10. Anyone got an old laser they'd like to pass on? A mate and I keen to do some muck around match racing against each other.
  11. Plus 1 for the Delta, way under rated. 3m long and I could just haul it up on a halyard on my own. I think the Sunburst would be a lot heavier.
  12. Agree with Fish re lubricating the track, especially for hoisting. We had a few problems of the same sort but did two things which now make it very easy to get up and down, and we're 43ft with a large, heavy mainsail. Firstly, we eased the bearing for the spindle at the mast because we discovered that was one part of the problem, it was just too tight a fit. Now I can raise the main by hand (at the mast), at least halfway before it needs to be winched. Secondly, we abandoned the furling line, exchanged the aluminium winch handle socket on the drum with a stainless steel one, and no
  13. And we had a Piedy. Twenty boats or more and super competitive. Spent the first year coming second to last, consistently. And the Feltex, four days of racing over two weekends. Buddy magic time for yacht racing!
  14. I don't understand why there aren't 20, 30, 40, or 50 Goat Island type reserves in the Gulf. They would just take up a small fraction of the Gulf area and would surely make at least a small difference. I was up at Kawau for the weekend and saw several instances of people fishing, catching only small ones and throwing them back in. Do those small ones actually survive?
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