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ex Elly

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Everything posted by ex Elly

  1. It says that Hoppers are going to build a 300 berth marina at Gulf Harbour. Berths are 14 to 25 metre long. Also trailer park and launching ramp.
  2. Fill a wheelie bin with water and nappy san. Throw your sail in for a while!
  3. Very nice! Lots of Lotus 9.2s up at Weiti.
  4. And sadly other Auckland marinas have upped their prices to match.
  5. I think the Tauranga Sulphur Point marina is. Their prices are half that of Auckland.
  6. Could they use a big long hose to suck it up?
  7. Now is a good time to go. Boats are heading up to the Pacific Islands this month. Contact Island Cruising Association, or look on the Opua facebook groups.
  8. The price for 1050s never drops - unlike other boats.
  9. After many years with a recognisable image, it's time to shake things up, change the name, change the logo! https://www.coastguard.nz/ourevolution/ Whether it's sharing all we know through our education programmes, giving you a tow home or coming to your rescue, we're here for boaties – whatever their waka. Our new look and feel is designed to do just that. It’s more approachable, friendly, more relevant to all New Zealanders, regardless of their background or experience on the water. In short, it’s closer to who we are today – not an enforcement agency guarding the coast
  10. Adix is 212 feet long. Collaboration between Lidgard and Nalder. 12 sailmakers, 5 months, new spectra fabric. Built in 2015. Cost over a million bucks. https://www.lidgardsails.com/ClassicSails.aspx https://nelsonweekly.co.nz/2015/07/nelson-sail-maker-wins-dream-job/ https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/boating/72316947/more-than-a-million-dollars-in-sails
  11. The colour represents speed. Green is about 10 knots. Red is about 2 knots. So hopefully they were going slow when they hit. But looks like they had a problem earlier on. Anyway the track is now moving north, so they may be off now.
  12. All the smaller boats withdrew, less than 40 feet.
  13. And 3 more out. Perfect Storm and Ragnar made it to North cape. Start Me Up got to Cape karikari.
  14. Hotdogger nearly caught the other 930, but have now pulled out with mainsail damage just past the Cavalli's.
  15. Looks like Hotdogger has rejoined the race now. They were ahead of the other 930 before stopping, so will have to do like they did in the Gulf Triangle - give them all a headstart then fly past.
  16. So they started a day late, but still had to head into 30-35 knots on the nose. I wondered if any would park up for a few hours, but looks like all 15 starters headed straight into it. The wind has now abated to 18 knots from the east. 3 have retired, and Hotdogger is resting at Gulf Harbour. Tracker is on this page (scroll down) https://www.rnzys.org.nz/rnzys-events/three-kings-offshore-race/
  17. Which one did you get? Force 10 looks good but pricy...
  18. ex Elly


    The NZ event crowd of 11,000 is bigger than any other. Peter Montgomery was saying this morning that if they could have found more seating there could have been 15-16000 spectators.
  19. ex Elly


    The dolphins live to swim another day! Many other SailGP events lose a days' racing due to wind strength, so not uncommon to cram it all into one day. Meanwhile Burling needs to improve his starting. Lucky to win with starts like that.
  20. On this weekend at Jellicoe Harbour (North Wharf) https://www.auckland-boatshow.com/
  21. 50 yachts of all shapes and sizes https://www.topyacht.net.au/results/2024/classic/all/01RGrp10.htm?ty=02334
  22. Is this the biggest-ever threat to NZ’s marine life? | Sunday Investigates
  23. HMNZS Aotearoa: Contaminated diesel fuel required multi-million dollar fix - and ship already rusty It was to be the jewel in the crown of the Royal New Zealand Navy, the $500-million, purpose-built supply ship that is the largest vessel ever to set sail under the white New Zealand ensign. But HMNZS Aotearoa has already hit troubled waters after less than four years in service. Herald inquiries have revealed the Navy has launched an inquiry after contaminated diesel led to the ship requiring fuel remediation work in Singapore. The Defence Force’s financial statements in its annu
  24. Entries close tomorrow. Briefing Thursday night.
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