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Elenya last won the day on February 14 2022

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About Elenya

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  1. Great news for NZ. These have been planned for some time so good to see they are here and in use.
  2. Hi we use a product called “peller clean” . Last fine for 2.5 years between our haulouts. Same pack we started about 2012. The topcoat is still useable nd working fine so no issues with having to throw it away. works for us
  3. We had been on the UK SSR until recently when residency requirements change. We have now registered in Poland. Polish registry certificate does not have renewal/expiry. We found a local agent to complete the paperwork on our behalf as our Polish is non existent. A very prompt and professional service.
  4. Wondering if the yacht ever came ashore somewhere, was salvaged or is still out there somewhere. Anyone know? cheers
  5. A quick look at the advert shows that is not likely to be a Cav 32 but I expect there will be some pop up as abandoned soon, and the H28 too. Is sad to see.
  6. Hi sorry for the tardy response. I have a gas stove rather that kero. Thanks
  7. Hi We have a long loved Broadwater stove and would like to keep it going... If anyone has an old Broadwater stove they do not want/need I would welcome a discussion to see if we may be able to help. Please feel free to reply here or message me on the site. many thanks Jim D
  8. Hi The Council and Harbourmaster are empowered by the Maritime Transport Act 1994. Wreck issues are very clearly dealt with "33JRemoval of wrecks by regional council (1) A regional council may take steps in accordance with this section to remove and deal with any wreck within its region that is a hazard to navigation." Likely a bit of a stretch to say that wreck was a hazard to navigation when it is hard on the rocks in 1 metre of water and not likely to float off. Not is states "Council" and not "Harbourmaster" i.e. it i
  9. The Maritime Transport Act 1994 guides us. Note tyhe requirement to be a "hazard to navigation" may be that it is not deemed a hazard where this one lies. May than use 33L which is about 'abandoned' vessels. Tight parameters though. The Resource Management Act 1991 does also offer solutions where the vessel/wreck breaches a rule or is discharging a pollutant (breaking up would do that). Again all down to interpretation. 33JRemoval of wrecks by regional council (1) A regional council may take steps in accordance with this section to remove and deal with any wreck
  10. Hi We have a Seabird 2.6 as one of our tenders. A small boat for two adults but ok in calm to slight conditions. Rows fine and sails fine also. We enjoy the options of being able to row, sail or use the 2hp outboard. The boat is not as sweet to look at as the Townson Dinghy.
  11. Elenya


    Beautiful cats! Dare I ask what breed they are?
  12. Hi Unfortunately a vessel came to grieve at Le Bons Bay over the weekend. Bavaria 39 'Rio Sun' ex Tauranga. Be careful out there this summer.
  13. Thanks Splat, Yes indeed, talking about cruising is always good. Happy to chat through Fiordland and places south. You can drop me an email at jim.dilley@ecan.govt.nz cheers
  14. A small article that contains an update on the cruising family that left NZ because winter was too cold. Also shows they are not the only idiots out there showing no respect for local rules or peoples lives. I do hope they are not allowed back into NZ. https://www.rnz.co.nz/international/pacific-news/419580/trio-detained-after-sailing-from-new-caledonia-to-solomons
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