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Yachting NZ to be investigated

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My favourite image from the last Olympics was of this gold medalTurkish shooter. 
Obviously very talented, but didn't look like he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars getting there. 


I think it's a bit unfair to blame the lack of Olympic success solely at the feet of YNZ. So much has changed in New Zealand socially and in the Olympics as far as what's required to get to the top step.



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At least the gentleman above got to the Olympics Mr  Psyche.  Unlike far too many Kiwi sailors who won slots to the Olympics and weren't sent.

But no one in this thread has blamed YNZ for a lack of Olympic success.  What contributors on this thread are saying YNZ has to be held accountable for the mess it has gotten NZ  Olympic sailing into, the conduct revealed in its own internal inquiry ,and that which will revealed in the Sports Integrity Commission inquiry.  YNZ  must have been totally insensitive, tone deaf and blind to the lessons it should have learned from the damming inquiries into Rowing  NZ, Cycling NZ and  Canoe Racing NZ. 

Who  do you think should be held accountable;    The NZ Hockey Association , The Wanganui Opera  Society,  or The Greymouth La  Leche League ?

If not YNZ is not responsible for running itself out of  Olympic sailors who is?



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