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Everything posted by Fogg

  1. Well done and congrats on the transatlantic! Everyone I’ve met on a world cruise has said the Med and the S Pac ate the best bits so don’t hesitate the Panama. But Black Panther has intimate knowledge of the Dominic Republic and the general area you’re in so he might drop a golden nugget suggestion.
  2. Fogg

    Clear Perspex

    I want to get a piece of clear plastic / Perspex similar to a washboard which I can cut (or get cut by someone else) to block the back of my open transom cockpit. To stop a baby escaping. Anyone know where to get such stuff and possibly get it cut to a pattern?
  3. I missed this article when it first came out about 4yrs ago. Interesting but sad reading. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11574539
  4. In the example I gave, my friend was very polite when he pointed out they were in a fire ban area. It was reaction of the wrong-doers themselves that was unexpectedly aggressive (swearing & shouting and later firing a cannon at him). It’s not like he was challenging a large group of drunk kids on a Saturday night - it was a ‘normal’ looking 2+2 family. Hence the point about unpredictable reactions. Sadly.
  5. But what about doing the right thing? We all know the best way to effect change in bad behaviour (from fishing habits to drinking & driving to smoking etc) is not via calling ‘the agencies’ but by the bravery of peer pressure. Your attitude belongs with the dinosaurs.
  6. Yes I agree you’ve got to have a brave disposition to tackle anyone these days. A frw months back a friend of mine challenged a family who had set up an open fire & bbq on one of the banned Hauraki gulf islands (almost right next to the No Fires sign). Their response came in 2 parts.... part 1 was both the parents verbally abiding him happily swearing like troopers in front of their young kids (what an example). Part 2 was a few hours later when he was anchored in a bay on his own a few miles away - he was given below when he saw the same family approach his boat in their launch and then f
  7. I’ve always sworn by micron 66 but then it stopped working and had to shift to 77 then ultra. But i now think it’s better to stick with a local NZ manufacturer that better caters for local conditions (like Mahurangii’s mix of salt with fresh).
  8. bought 2x Goflex from Beacon about 3yrs ago and they are dieing rapidly. Each year the performance drops off. I reckon by next year (4) they’ll be next to useless. I was told at the time that the extra price of the premium flexible brands doesn’t but you more power but more lifespan. Regardless, I’d never buy flexible again.
  9. In anchorages I often find passing boats slow down very quickly when I stand up with my phone and start to video them including getting the boat name. And even if you’re not actually videoing the act of looking like you are often has the desired effect - all without a word being spoken.
  10. Yes indeed. To parody Oscar Wilde - to have 1 Mayday is unfortunate but to have 2-3 Maydays is careless.
  11. https://wirelessnation.co.nz/coastguard/ Unfortunately since installing it in early Dec I’ve not had a chance to use the boat so can’t yet report back on performance.
  12. Which is why I installed a vodafone rural network booster / WiFi on Aleana to get data at Barrier and other patchy favourite spots like BOI.
  13. I’ve done that (left the boat). Really enjoyed the elevated bus ride home - saw views of the landscape I’d never noticed before whilst driving in a lower vehicle.
  14. I’ve observed this for the last few years - specifically the difference between Auckland and BOI during whole of Dec and Jan when BOI seems to get 10-15kts max vs Auckland at least 10kts more. And I agree it makes all the difference between a relaxed family cruise vs spending most of your time escaping the wind. Which is why we have tried to stay up north for as long as possible most years. I’ve noticed it tends to settle in Auckland much later ie from Feb onwards or even from March onwards - which is why I’ve also sometimes delayed my big ‘summer cruise’ until Feb-Mar when both the winds and
  15. I’ve usually found a 40 footer is ok on a 12m berth but it all depends on overhangs, marina management and even how you position your boat when you tie it up - if you draw attention to yourself with a big anchor overhanging the jetty plus a boat positioned too far forward your going to invite curiosity and tape measures. But I’ve seen people take their anchors off the bow roller and tie as far back as possible to fit.
  16. Fogg


    IT had some amazing absorbent rags that he used to wipe my bilges clean. It wasn’t a sponge but better. I think he said they came from Warehouse in bulk packs?
  17. Fogg


    Looks like a Warwick 40+?
  18. Fogg

    Coastguard app

    It was a massive step backwards when they switched off the text options. That was a v useful backup to access essential info when coverage was too weak for full data but enough for a simple text to get through.
  19. Following IT's recommendation I found 'Handy Andy' really cheap & effective (I used it neat): https://shop.countdown.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=272552&name=handy-andy-liquid-cleaner-regular
  20. Looking at it again - especially the ratio between freeboard and length - I'm thinking it might be US rather than European origin?
  21. Do you expect to stopover in Portugal and if so when? I pass through there from time to time...
  22. Hence my earlier post that it probably won’t be black & white and best talk to a specialist. It sounds like the answer is plan to pay GST + Duty and if it still looks a good deal then great. And if you manage to find a way to reduce / avoid payment upon arrival then that’s an unexpected bonus. But seems unlikely.
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