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Dambo last won the day on March 23 2018

Dambo had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

44 Good

About Dambo

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 21/09/1976

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  1. Wow, what a great big list. Most of whom won't or can't haul a mid-size tri. (believe me, I've made many, many phone calls) Listing Te Atatu when we're talking yachts is a f**king joke. The ones on the list that can haul a mid-size tri mean that for those of us who live close to the city centre now have to travel 2, 3, 4 x as far to get to the yard so no ducking down after work, and significantly adding to the stress on the weekend. I'm seriously considering selling my boat because it's not financially viable solely due to the haul-out situation. While I totally appreciate the sen
  2. Anyone in Akl have one of these laying around spare? I have a frozen prop shaft coupling. There not really enough room to get a standard puller in between the gearbox and coupler.
  3. Dambo

    BP on SA

    The very same - she's a good beastie.
  4. Add a bunny suit and you're away laughing Awesome technology though!
  5. sh*t, that's a hell of a lot of boat to wreak.
  6. Hi Puff, one of my Coromandel attached sisters was telling me tales of unhappy people with relation to this individual. She was fascinated by the connection here. In reflection on the likes of Shane (and even the crazy Russian) I sometimes think that I've been a bit too reserved over the years/not taken enough risk, but then the worst I've ever done to a boat is crack the c/b case hitting the Milford reef many, many years ago (and many other's have done much worse getting in there)
  7. Dambo

    Great weekend

    Where's the pics of us blasting past Absolutely awesome weekend even if we did have to depart a day earlier. https://photos.app.goo.gl/2YEIVdXZmMRRgpBt2
  8. I can confirm. Awesome wee boat - I've a had barrel of fun on her and even been kissed by the boom! Good value for money too. I'll look forward to the next one Bryon - wouldn't happen to be about 40'?
  9. I'll send my thoughts and prayers to both the tinnie owners and the plywood owner. I'm sure it'll be a great comfort to them both
  10. Are you familiar with the term "military grade"? People seem to think it means 'tough' or 'good' but it actually just means 'made by the cheapest bidder'.
  11. Dambo

    Route 66

    The mainsheet wasn't being operated by the regular mainsheet trimmer because he wasn't there There isn't much structure there - you're looking at a rope bag David! you took my traveler system off BP?!?! But I used all those blocks and bits of string you'd taken off the Ark... Can confirm that BP goes like a 70 footer downhill - very exciting going mining too! We'll see you in Kawau then
  12. This is a good thread. Back when we had a slow trailer-sailor and lived out in the far west; On a Friday, Partner would pack up boat and kids, I'd come home from work, hitch up boat and we'd drive to Hobsonville. Kids would eat fish & chips while I rigged and launched the boat. We'd sail to Little Shoal Bay and pirate a tidy mooring for the night, then at about 5am I'd hoist sails, drop mooring and we'd set off down the harbour - the kids would wake up about Bean Rock. Motuihe became "our Beach". But Home Bay, Motutapu, Woody Bay, Rakino etc.. all within a day sail in the summer o
  13. Holy shitballs that's a tentative '5' - a MH division. I should add, sailing every w/e and both my sons birthdays... Ummmm
  14. Very tempted.. Route 66 the weekend before, RYC Cruising race 5 the w/e after, Jack Tar Regatta the next w/e and then RYC Cruising Race/Kawau the w/e after that. Sailing every w/e... hmmm
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