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Cheap Transport

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Everything posted by Cheap Transport

  1. This is one of my favourite memories on Shapey... and yes, it was 100% worth getting photos😆 I still remember thinking, or maybe even saying out loud "every man for himself! " as she started going over and I scurried over the lifelines onto the side of the hull... not a drop of water on me.... Good times 🤣🤣🤣
  2. I've done the "just go sailing" vs the "refit" recently-ish.... We bought CT in what could be described as bloody tired but not yet dead condition. It was the biggest boat we could afford at the time (family of 5) that was structurally sound and had a good few of the expensive parts replaced. She was bloody ugly thou... but we had a boat that we could take the kids away on and make family memories. Our first trip away was 11 days over Christmas/New Year up to the BOI's and included an overnight at the Hen & Chick's where the snorkeling/ diving was epic. It may not sound like much of a
  3. https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/boats-marine/yachts/keeler/listing/4772746899 Could be worth a look
  4. Cheap Transport


    You can source it directly from Resene in MtWellington or any automotive paint supplier can get it in. Wairau Paint Centre stocks it in black and white if you're on the Shore.
  5. Cheap Transport


    Most decorative/architectural paint retailers carry it - Paint Plus, Dulux, Resene etc with Tapespec and Pomona making better quality tapes than most... in my opinion anyway.
  6. Cheap Transport


    Used a lot of it last year during our 1020 refit. Key to no bubbles is getting your thinning ratios right for your chosen application, temperature and relative humidity. To get your UV stability, reduce long term chalking of the coating etc you should be adding 15-20% durepox high performance gloss into your white/ black/ whatever durepox colour you have (unless it's below the water line, then I'm not sure). In regards to what Guest said about the tape tearing the paint, it really depends on what tape type using. It surprises me how few people are using the more modern Washi tapes
  7. Agree 100%, if the suction can remove something rooted into the sand, it'll remove all shell fish, other plant life and anything in amongst it etc.
  8. Of course it is, if you own a boat you must be a rich white male🤣 I can understand price rises like that where the marina/moorings are operated in conjunction with a hardstand, as operational costs for haulage equipment, fuel, wages etc are all climbing. But where it is a stand alone marina that offers nothing other than a place to park your boat, its pretty hard to swallow those increases. In all fairness thou, I don't know of any businesses in any industry that wouldn't have had a price rise of less than the equivalent inflation % in the last 12 months... I could be wrong thou as I don'
  9. Yep correct, got ours through Grant. That's a name I never want to see again - too many bad memories. I'm gonna need a stiff drink now....
  10. It sits out on the bow roller all summer. If we're sailing or motoring I clip the shank end on to the toe rail so there's no unnecessary weight/ pressure on winch. It doesn't fit in the standard locker, and is replaced with race anchor in winter.
  11. Also went to an excel (#3) on our 1020. With 20 odd meters of chain it's rock solid. Can now sleep at night without worrying too much...
  12. Interesting, would be a bloody expensive project! Is this the most recent buyer, or a previous one that has since backed out?
  13. Still no starboard marker and the outer port marker is still damaged also. There's some re-piling going on in the river at the mo with a few of the council swing moorings occupiers being moved onto piles due to the Penlink crossing. Hopefully the barge will continue down the river and put new piles in for the channel makers once they're done later this week 🤞
  14. Yup, lead is gone, she's floating well high
  15. Anyone got an update on what the latest is with this boat? She's gone from the hardstand at Gulf Harbour and is now anchored off Manly Beach, Whangaparaoa. Apparently towed there by a RIB mid week. Has she sold, or has she been abandoned there so she becomes someone else's problem, much like the sistership in Queenstown? (Cynical I know, but stranger things have happened...)
  16. As a fellow Weiti member, I'd love to hear more of your adventures BP! Can imagine there would be some bloody good laughs. I think you should do it!
  17. +1 for putting in a mesh bag or pillow case first. I didn't.... now the wife has a lovely new washing machine and I'm a boat dollar short of where I was 😅 could've replaced half my lines for the same cost🤣
  18. Is BOI to become the next area that we won't be able to anchor? Watch this space I guess... https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/caulerpa-invader-seaweed-found-in-bay-of-islands-northland/TEAPHVXLHVEY5KBAPIWDSO3YRU/
  19. Fyran aluminium dinghys aren't responsible for any drownings, it's the idiots who own them who make poor decisions. Same can be said for any vessel, if you don't know the vessel and its limitations in different situations then you're asking for trouble. Poor decision making and a lack of education cause drownings...
  20. Been on the water all weekend and there is certainly a lot of debris out there. A few big logs that would give you more than a bump at 5 or 6 knots. The starboard channel marker at Weiti River must be floating out in the gulf somewhere too cos it ain't where it usually is😅
  21. Jeezus, reading some of these comments make me embarrassed to be a boat owner... its like listening to my kids scrapping. Quite a stray from the original post, should all be glad the guy is OK, and (I'm assuming as you all obviously have Internet currently) be grateful your house isn't buried under 5 foot of silt in the Hawkes bay..... plenty of other things to worry about besides who (in your opinion) is an idiot on the water.
  22. Actually, just seen this reported now. Will done to all involved! https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/cyclone-gabrielle-police-rescue-boatie-after-vessel-drifts-from-great-barrier-island/IUKAY47Y2BB6XFUKBNEMC4U4JY/
  23. So it's confirmed the owner is still aboard and ok? That'd be fantastic news if that's the case!
  24. I'd say you're a bloody good neighbour. A group of us spent 4.5 hours yesterday afternoon checking every boat in Weiti River after a mooring pile broke earlier in the day. Ended up replacing mooring lines on more than a dozen boats in atrocious conditions.
  25. Bloody unfortunate way to go.... but probably not surprising given the conditions. I went to check on my boat (moored up a usually sheltered river) yesterday afternoon. The first thing I witnessed was a dinghy levitating above the water with a volunteer aboard trying to rescue another members boat which had broken its mooring. 5 of us ended up in dinghies checking every club boat in the river and replaced mooring lines on more than a dozen boats that had either broken or were just about to. Conditions could only be described as atrocious and to be fair, we probably shouldn't have been out
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