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Everything posted by CarpeDiem

  1. Yeah... this is actually quite awesome of the NZ system. When my son passed in a dirt bike accident, ACC provided a one off payment and 80% of his salary until my grand daughter, who was unborn at the time, turns 18. It was a substantial relief to discover that this even existed. She's able to get on with just raising her new born, without the stress of also being the only income earner.
  2. I can't understand how you're drawing the conclusion that rogue waves don't break as the water gets shallower or the boat wasn't where the evidence showed it was, or for that matter how you've concluded that the wave wasn't breaking at the time of impact, when clearly the case file suggests otherwise? The judge concluded that it was unreasonable to expect the skipper to predict a rogue wave. That's substantially different from your assertions. Therefore the presumption from MNZ that he should not have been in such shallow water because he wasn't prepared/ready for a Rogue wave bec
  3. The case notes strongly suggests otherwise... The evidence from several survivors was that a 10m high wave came in, was clearly visible in the distance, it built even higher, crested and broke, rolling and smashing the boat to pieces. I am pretty sure that Rogue waves, crest and break, just like any other wave, when the distance to the sea bed becomes less than the height of the wave.
  4. The evidence is quite clear about where he was and further as far as I have heard, this evidence was never challenged by the defense. The defense effectively went OK, if that's what the experts say, then that's where he was. Do you have other facts to dispute this? MNZ's entire case stood on the fact that he was that he was in too shallow water and a presumption that he did not take into consideration Rogue waves for that depth. The judge stated that a rogue wave is not something that Goodhew should have foreseen with the information available to him and further that MNZ failed bey
  5. My point was in response to IT that it wasn't fraud in the true legal sense of the meaning because it was withdrawn before it got to court. The original report is just an internal document it isn't evidence. It's fundamentally an opinion piece until a higher up puts a stamp of approval on it allowing it to be released. I am not trying to suggest that I condone the actions of Worksafe. I find this whole matter very unsettling. That said it is a very one onsided article. And of note Peterson refused to talk to Stuff. Perhaps Worksafe had some other experts that came to a differen
  6. From the article the altered report still bearing the original signature was withdrawn and replaced with the same altered report but with a different persons signature (Paul West's). So it did not make it into the courts evidence at the hearing.
  7. CarpeDiem


    Hmmm... Boi race week delivery weekend... That's annoying 😕
  8. Holiday Pay. Sick Leave. All the perks of working for a Government dept 😂😂
  9. If you want the higher accuracy SOG and COG get the L5. The accuracy that the L5 and L1 provide together can approach sub-centimetre. Although it's not clear from the specs if Garmin are leveraging this. But L5 on its own will provide sub-meter accuracy which is significantly better than L1/L2 receivers anyway. Last time I looked the L5 constellation wasn't complete and was still broadcasting as unhealthy, but it's the next generation signal and it will become the norm. Apple and Sumsung have supported it for a decade... If you just want to know where you are then L1/L2 is more tha
  10. Oh wow. I did not know that. Lifetime of the vessel? That could make it extremely cost effective...
  11. No. YNZ is an optional NZ internal register only non-optional for yacht racing. Part B registration is ~$370 for 5 years. So it will cost you that plus MNZ inspection fees. Part A is for commercial craft.
  12. Haha. Thanks for the Cat 1 Cert Jon 🙂🙂 I hope this mess works out for you! Yesterday was a yucky sea state. Wind has been fairly constantly 10-20knots... A few dead spots have required the motor, but given the overcast days that has been useful to top up the Lithiums. We've been hanging out between two fronts for the last few days it's remarkably pleasant compared to my last trip in 50+ knots 🤣😭 we can't get far enough into the northern front as it collapses in front of us and we keep sailing out of the southern one... first world problems 😭 Starlink is unbelievably goo
  13. The most logical thing for MNZ to do would be make it self certifying. Master of the ship signs off and completes a stat dec that they meet the safety requirements. Just like Cat 4 and Cat 5 are self certifying. Then randomly inspect. An inspector could just show up with the immigration officer... Job done. This is after all what every other flag does... Then YNZ can learn from that and do the same for Cat2 and Cat3 and put the oneous on OAs to actually carry out the spot checks they threaten in their NoR's but never do...
  14. Yeah, Sea Survival, Medic and all the safety requirements come from World Sailing. I can't see MNZ being licensed/permitted to use World Sailing rules so it will be interesting to see what safety requirements MNZ come up with... I am going to be impressed to see what they have in place by July 1st.
  15. The legislation states one can't be a NZ Citizen and own a boat that is foreign registered. (ignoring dual citizenship which is a separate minefield). Ownership has to be held through a foreign holding company or other such entity, and then the NZ Citizen cannot be the owner of the entity, so now you need a foreign agent such as a lawyer or a trustee to own/manage your entity/vessel and act on your behalf under your instructions. All fairly simple to set up, and many companies make moolah doing this, but when something goes wrong with the foreign entity structure or the individual
  16. Which is really how it should be... Why should ISAF yacht racing safety rules ever have applied to pleasure vessels leaving NZ?
  17. They already have the legislation. So the question becomes, will they try and enforce it...?
  18. I have heard this - but only as a rumor... And I heard the "delegation license" expired July 1st. Is this actually confirmed?
  19. The battery in this photo is from the 65-ft sloop Blue Peter. As the engine was turned on to leave, there was a loud bang and the battery exploded. Fortunately, nobody was hurt.
  20. I doubt any lfp could support that even a handful of times. The li-ions would be getting depleted very fast! SoC numbers literally become a random number generator after a few half cycles. Not even laboratory grade couloumb counters can get accurate SoC over many cycles without fully charging. I have to laugh when manufacturers claim they can maintain a SoC between 40%-80%... I encountered a so called system just recently which was under performing. We disconnected all the loads and fully charged the cells, surprise surprise, each cell some how magically absorbed
  21. Yes! But that will still will crank your diesel... Unlike a 11v LA. All these things your encountering are the reason I shelved my LTO start battery project 🤣
  22. Firstly the smashing is during the CC phase (typically called bulk). I charge at 0.9C the recommended is 0.5C the manufacturer max is 1C. Termination current occurs in the CV phase (typically called absorb). Termination current is a function of the manufacturers max voltage and term current. So if the manufacturer states 3.65v @ 0.05C (which mine does) Then we have: I_term=(V_absorb-3.37)/0.28 * 0.05 0.28 comes from 3.65 - 3.37 (3.37v is the voltage at which no charging is occurring). I have found that v_absorb of 3.5v/cell is perfect to provide a good tim
  23. You will still need dc/dc... But 5S at 80% SoC is ~13.2v which is a bit less obnoxious than 14.8v Of course you lose Wh's Is this a trick question...? Cause tail current termination depends on voltage 😉😉
  24. Yep you can use the full capacity. Yes it will reduce the lifetime. I smash ours, I charge it at double the recommended rate, but below the maximum, I take it to within an hour of being completely flat and shutting down. I charge it to whatever and then start discharging it again... and sometimes I leave it fully charged for a whole week... Following my current usage profile, of racing weekly and getting away for a couple of weekends a month, I will get, conservatively, 15 years out of the battery. I would like to get fewer years out of it - as that would mean I'd be out sail
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