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Everything posted by CarpeDiem

  1. Looks like a solenoid. Without the full wiring digram it's impossible to understand it's intention. But it reads like the intention was to join your house and start together to provide more power to the winch. It's possibly (hopefully) diode protected.
  2. What did you use and get signed off/certified for the leak proof bulkhead fitting where the flexible hose exits the locker?
  3. This seems to be on the money Jon. The designer BP quoted has also shown empirically that at around 60 degrees heel water will be gushing through these doors and down the stairs. If the boat is filling with water it really does not matter what the AVS numbers are. Guess we'll find out in a year.
  4. Both those quotes are in the same post. No where does he say that wouldn't meet the regulatory requirements. So I guess having a AVS of 73 degrees meets said requirements... Another designer in the same thread says you could epxect that boat to capsize at 50degrees as it's already on it's way.
  5. I found this written by Tad Roberts: The head of the Italian Sea Group, parent of the builder Perini, has stated Bayesian had positive stability to 73 degrees with the board up and 88 degrees with the board down. In the same post, written by Tad Roberts I find: The boat would meet or exceed stability regulatory requirements with the centreboard retracted and sails down. CONFUSING!!!!
  6. Thanks BP. I was concerned at the lack of an authoritative source in the public domain for the boat. This retired designers fb post completely puts my concerns to rest.
  7. The only source for these numbers seems to be a single FT article and we know that the media is very good at getting things wrong. According to the orc database, it is 115degrees and the ship held a Category 0 rating, so the ship was rated to sail anywhere in the world in any weather.
  8. It's not consistent but we probably get it done every 3-4 weeks on average...
  9. For a bit of thread drift, we have International Ultra 2 - currently into it's third year and according to my diver just starting to go patchy around the waterline, which is caused by oil and diesel in the marina, but it is otherwise fine... At this rate I will need to slip the boat just to change the anodes!!
  10. CarpeDiem

    VSR Question

    Couldn't agree more - it's a opinion everyone has one
  11. CarpeDiem

    VSR Question

    It would depend on the product, if the VSR is deisgned to connect to batteries you'd have to test it to see - it needs to get it's logic power from one side or the other... Depending on what you want to do, the voltage might not always come up to trigger value immediately, if it's a charging source, eg a very drained house battery could result in the alternator outputting less than 13.4v for several hours. Addtionally when the load comes on it could drop the voltage output causing the vsr to disconnect. Better to use an ignition on source, or maybe the alternator charge lamp if you
  12. CarpeDiem

    VSR Question

    Use a DC/DC charger to charge the start battery from the house battery. Keep the start battery floating at 13.1v. Use a solar and/or shore charger on the house battery. The DC/DC will take care of the start battery. Get rid of the VSR. Keep the parallel switch, or get rid of that too and carry jumper leads. Connect your alternator to the house battery and set up an appropriate charging profile for your house batteries using a programable alternator regulator. Depending on your engine you might need to wire the management unit into seeing the voltage from the house batter
  13. CarpeDiem

    VSR Question

    You might need to clarify what you mean when you say the "vsr is open"? In an electrical sense open usually mean "open circuit" aka disconnected - eg there is an open air gap between the two wires. Your usage seems to imply that the circuit is "closed" eg, the wires are connected together... So for clarity in the rest of what I will spiel: CLOSED/CLOSE = the circuit is connected - if the VSR is closed then the batteries are connected in parallel OPENED/OPEN = the circuit is disconnected - the the VSR is OPEN then the batteries are disconnected from each other The V
  14. They were Cat 1 requirements - so I guess an international race will tick that box still.
  15. Fire Extinguishers have always required a current yellow "check" tag. It's always been cheaper to get the yellow tag check done than buy new, but once the cylinder needs hydro testing, per the stamp on the base, that's when it becomes cheaper to recycle and replace with new. I think we paid ~$60 to get 4 yellow tag checked last year at some place down by the tank farm. New is $200 best case - for the yellow tagged ones - I note bunnings have some pretty cheap but that would still be $100/year and I doubt they have the yellow tag so won't meet the rules. Gas is a cluster f**k - I will l
  16. Best rope for... There's a sales man's dream. Unless you are racing or want performance then polyester will be more than adequate. If you want the best then a cascaded Sk99 setup should set you back probably 8x the price of polyester. I would recommend replacing the back stay with with a Uhmwpe core if you get chaffe from the main then add a chaffe cover. This will reduce a lot of weight above
  17. Yeah... this is actually quite awesome of the NZ system. When my son passed in a dirt bike accident, ACC provided a one off payment and 80% of his salary until my grand daughter, who was unborn at the time, turns 18. It was a substantial relief to discover that this even existed. She's able to get on with just raising her new born, without the stress of also being the only income earner.
  18. I can't understand how you're drawing the conclusion that rogue waves don't break as the water gets shallower or the boat wasn't where the evidence showed it was, or for that matter how you've concluded that the wave wasn't breaking at the time of impact, when clearly the case file suggests otherwise? The judge concluded that it was unreasonable to expect the skipper to predict a rogue wave. That's substantially different from your assertions. Therefore the presumption from MNZ that he should not have been in such shallow water because he wasn't prepared/ready for a Rogue wave bec
  19. The case notes strongly suggests otherwise... The evidence from several survivors was that a 10m high wave came in, was clearly visible in the distance, it built even higher, crested and broke, rolling and smashing the boat to pieces. I am pretty sure that Rogue waves, crest and break, just like any other wave, when the distance to the sea bed becomes less than the height of the wave.
  20. The evidence is quite clear about where he was and further as far as I have heard, this evidence was never challenged by the defense. The defense effectively went OK, if that's what the experts say, then that's where he was. Do you have other facts to dispute this? MNZ's entire case stood on the fact that he was that he was in too shallow water and a presumption that he did not take into consideration Rogue waves for that depth. The judge stated that a rogue wave is not something that Goodhew should have foreseen with the information available to him and further that MNZ failed bey
  21. My point was in response to IT that it wasn't fraud in the true legal sense of the meaning because it was withdrawn before it got to court. The original report is just an internal document it isn't evidence. It's fundamentally an opinion piece until a higher up puts a stamp of approval on it allowing it to be released. I am not trying to suggest that I condone the actions of Worksafe. I find this whole matter very unsettling. That said it is a very one onsided article. And of note Peterson refused to talk to Stuff. Perhaps Worksafe had some other experts that came to a differen
  22. From the article the altered report still bearing the original signature was withdrawn and replaced with the same altered report but with a different persons signature (Paul West's). So it did not make it into the courts evidence at the hearing.
  23. CarpeDiem


    Hmmm... Boi race week delivery weekend... That's annoying πŸ˜•
  24. Holiday Pay. Sick Leave. All the perks of working for a Government dept πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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