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ex Elly

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Everything posted by ex Elly

  1. We have yellow racing buoys these days. Not allowed to use the shipping buoys for racing. There are huge fines for hitting them
  2. More people voted for an empty park, than for the Yachting Centre, which came in third.
  3. Local board is holding a referendum. 4 options: open reserve only, campground only, YNZ only, or campground + YNZ. Remember there are many other places to build a sailing centre, but this is the last beach campground for miles. Cast your vote here: http://shapeauckland.co.nz/consultations/north-takapuna-beach-reserve/
  4. Council submissions are currently open and run till 13 April. Submissions are here: http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/ratesbuildingproperty/consents/getinvolved/Pages/currentpubliclynotifiedconsents.aspx (scroll down till you see Harbour Access Trust) HOW TO MAKE YOUR SUBMISSION OPPOSING THE RESOURCE CONSENT APPLICATION FOR THE YACHTING NZ BUILDING It is important that in order for your submissions to be formally considered by the Hearing Committee, they must relate to any actual or potential effects on the environment caused by this activity. If you have already made a submission
  5. Two Stroke Madness The Pecking Order Waikato Water Weekend Warriors River Bogans
  6. Would be great if KIYC could be saved, and it seems the intention is to keep it running in much the same way. Well done Chris Dickson and Co!
  7. "A Northland community's efforts to revive children's sailing have been boosted by an America's Cup syndicate." http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advo ... d=11223811
  8. CosaNostra, the towing only applies 9-5, so evenings are fine.
  9. From todays Weekend Herald... Blake boat heads back Downunder Aboard a fabled yacht in the Caribbean, a big plan is being hatched. Dianne Masters, owner of the sleek 20m ocean racer, wants to sail it to its original home port, Auckland, pick up a New Zealand crew and enter it in the Sydney-Hobart Race. And if the lithe but ailing 47-year-old achieves her aim it will be a historic moment. The boat is Ceramco NZ and this year's Bass Strait classic marks the 30th anniversary of Peter Blake's victory, only the fourth line and handicap honours in the race's history. Blake then headed off a
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