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ex Elly

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Everything posted by ex Elly

  1. I guess since he sparked two searches (even if accidentally), then MSA had to do something, to prevent another one.
  2. If you want to ensure the safety of the Takapuna Campground, do NOT vote for Fay Freeman. CAMPGROUND FRIENDLY CANDIDATES FOR DEVONPORT-TAKAPUNA LOCAL BOARD Jan O’Connor Mike Cohen Grant Gillon Garry Venus Rohan Lord Trish Deans Bruce Tubb Don Campbell CAMPGROUND FRIENDLY CANDIDATES FOR AUCKLAND COUNCIL (NORTH SHORE WARD) Anne-Elise Smithson Grant Gillon
  3. It has now become apparent why YachtingNZ were so focused on building a centre in Takapuna. They were gifted $3 million by North Shore City council on condition that they build a base on the North Shore. http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/north-shore-times/84495397/ideas-abound-for-auckland-councils-unused-3-million
  4. Exclusive: Renegade yachtie speaks out http://www.nzherald.co.nz/marine/news/article.cfm?c_id=61&objectid=11718462 "I just want to say thanks to all them, and all the trouble I put them through," DeWet said.
  5. Coastguard will come and save you if you request it. But have no legal powers to board your boat or tell you what to do.
  6. 1994 Waikato Yacht Squadron 100 Miler Gulf Classic 10 minute documentary. Was aired on national TV during a cricket delay. Spot the stubbies, and moustaches, and beer bellies! Lots of Ross and Elliott boats...
  7. "big is better right?" No, for storage and towing, smaller is better!
  8. There are some marinas that are run as co-operatives, not for profit, where the users are the owners, e.g. Sulphur Point Tauranga, and Half Moon Bay Auckland. Those ones should show you the real cost of marina berths.
  9. My friend may be interested. Will let him know. The dimensions will be important
  10. Windsong is in Tauranga at the Bridge marina. For sale on Trade Me, closing soon, and now at $1330. http://www.trademe.co.nz/a.asp?id=1149931162&cc=61&pid=507651770&hbc=12&member_hash=&ct=title-link
  11. Do you think the Floating Dock would have stopped work this morning, due to tsunami? I doubt they would want to with all the boats booked in pre SSANZ race...
  12. "Under America's Cup constructed in country rules only the front 2.7 metres of the bow need to be constructed in the country of origin of the challenging/defending club. In Oracle's context this means that the forward sections have to be constructed in USA and then flown to Bermuda to be joined with the after sections, shown above, which have been built in New Zealand." www.sail-world.com/147714
  13. So the regatta is now finished. With 12 starters, 3 from Belgium, the rest from Holland. Results: https://www.nederdesigncms.nl/uploads/133/files/uitslagen%202016/OT%20UITSLAG%20TM%20RACE%208.HTM
  14. New Plymouth. They had to check the cray pots. http://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/83451892/search-resumes-for-missing-18yearold-after-boat-capsizes-off-new-plymouth-coast
  15. Starts in a few days. More info here: http://rbsailing.blogspot.co.nz/2016/01/one-ton-cup-revival-2016-update.html
  16. ex Elly

    Olympic results

    The local board members that have supported the campground are Jan O’Connor, Grant Gillon, and Mike Cohen. The local board members that have opposed the campground (and supported YNZ) are Joseph Bergin, and Diane Hale. Alison Roe has flip-flopped, but originally supported YNZ.
  17. ex Elly

    Olympic results

    @sundreamer, Regardng funding, sailing is the 3rd best funded sport, according to this article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/olympics/news/article.cfm?c_id=502&objectid=11698001 Rowing $32m, Cycling $26m, Sailing $18m
  18. The man who smashed up the America's Cup more than 20 years ago is now selling the shirt he wore during the attack on Trade Me. Maori activist Benjamin Nathan, who was then 28, walked into Auckland's Royal Yacht Squadron on March 14, 1997 and took to the sailing trophy with a sledgehammer, whilst chanting in Maori. Today he's listed the Maori sovereignty T-shirt he says he was wearing at the time, on the online auction website. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11697406
  19. ex Elly

    Olympic results

    Very tight in the W470, with 4 boats chasing 2 medals. Only 4 points separate them. Team Jolly needs to have another blinder! 470 Women - Medal Race Top 10 1. Hannah Mills/Saskia Clark (GBR) - 28 pts 2. Jo Aleh/Polly Powrie (NZL) - 48 pts 3. Annie Haegar/Briana Provancha (USA) - 49 pts 4. Camille Lecointre/Helene Defrance - 50 pts 5. Ai Kondo Yoshida/Miho Yoshioka (JPN) - 52 pts 6. Afrodite Zegers/Anneloes van Veen (NED) - 59 pts 7. Tina Mrak/Veronika Macarol (SLO) - 65 pts 8. Fernanda Oliveira/Ana Barbachan (BRA) - 68 pts 9. Lara Vadlau/Jola Ogar (AUT) - 74 pts 10. Agnieszka Skrzypu
  20. ex Elly

    Olympic results

    Well done Sam Meech! NZs first ever medal in the Laser.
  21. Not sure why you and Booboo say the finish boat was hard to see. It had a very bright orange strobe light on it when we finished. But maybe the light stopped working?
  22. Solo yachtie rescued after emergency off Bay of Plenty coast http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11690647
  23. No, I'll be preparing for the SSANZ race this Saturday.
  24. Looks like the year is 2008. I see Ragtime (the Spencer) in there. Also Sunstone. Playbuoy got a finish time on Racetrack. But I am not sure how accurate these results are. http://www.racetrack.org.nz/race.php?raceid=19187 Only 83 finishers. A hard year according to the CC history page: http://www.coastalclassic.co.nz/#!history/ge2un
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