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Everything posted by khayyam

  1. there were definitely some old topics on this, for anyone capable of finding them...
  2. yeah ok, that's really what i meant
  3. could be the trailer. but I'm also amazed what sorts of projects people want to take on!
  4. khayyam

    Nose job

    because triangle is weaker, weight-for-weight?
  5. maybe get a laser and change the rig as he gets bigger? pretty common. everything is the same except the bottom section and the sail itself. i picked up a (second hand) radial bottom section and sail in decent condition for a few hundred. probably he'd be ok in either a 4.7 or radial now, depending on which has a better fleet to sail against? and then moving to a full rig at maybe 60-65kg.
  6. huh. i thought that was intentional, but you might be right!
  7. Looks lovely. Sadly we're at least a year out from looking seriously. But because I can't help myself: what's the berth layout?
  8. to save the next person the trouble of searching: about $600
  9. khayyam

    Flat Chat

    well, the *camera* went under anyhow. not quite the same thing.
  10. the person on site is supposed to be temporary... 6 months? to make sure there aren't any problems with the automatic/remote operation, as I understand it.
  11. from what i've seen, the bridge comes up fast enough that i wouldn't expect issues either way...
  12. Got it in an email. Presumably they had my address because I've entered in the past. The email was more or less begging me to enter again -- but sadly we've got no boat at the moment!
  13. $1000/ft *excluding labour*, mind you
  14. Got an email today about the Anniversary day regatta. Apparently there are hardly any entries. 18 boats entered for the harbour races!? Anybody know more? Seems like a huge drop off.
  15. it's not just warnings and signage, but the actual things that are allowed. for example, kids playgrounds no longer have any of the good stuff -- everything is rubberized, slow, and low to the ground. whether this comes about from genuine concern, or fear of being sued... some of each, I imagine.
  16. my 2c: having moved from the US to NZ, NZ seems much more relaxed about h&s. for example, we went on the driving creek railway out in coro some time back, and most of the ride I couldn't help but wonder that it would definitely not be allowed in the states.
  17. With the Y88s you also pay for being in an active one-design class. Lots of people love that of course. But, if you're not going to race in that scene, do you want to pay for it?
  18. in that case, i would lightly key the gelcoat, prime it, and away you go with the AF.
  19. fyi, when I considered doing exactly the same thing, I was advised by a number of people that it would look ridiculous. so i'm curious to see what other responses you get!
  20. the split start may well have been better for the NH rounding, but I thought it made the start decidedly less interesting to watch!
  21. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11511543 not sure how I feel about this. I guess he's bold to say he can get home, but if you're already three weeks overdue...!
  22. Definitely not my intent, quite curious actually. I thought you meant the second would be needed about 20kt?
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