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Waiheke Island no take zone

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31 minutes ago, Fish said:

What ever HT. There is legislation for iwi to go to MPI for 2 year no takes, there is no legislation for iwi to block off beaches for their own use. You are just being outright alarmist with that one.

Just wait.it will happen.seperate health board coming.alarmist I do not think so.There has been talk of iwi in-charge of foreshore etc when seachange was in talks and it was proposed that iwi.to have control of inshore fisheries.iewhether you can gather shellfish  as a non Iwi. This was spelt out at reccs fishing meeting.

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3 minutes ago, waikiore said:

Yes and the council has painted slippery patterns on the road -then put up signs that you can only see when you are lying on the road to tell you to be careful not to slip!

What on earth are you talking about?

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31 minutes ago, ex Elly said:

A new study has found that crayfish numbers have plummeted in marine reserves in the last 10 years



....."because the Marine Reserves we have are not large enough......"

Which is also what was said on page 2 of this thread - the MRs need to be of a certain size to avoid the edge effect (people fishing on the edge). How many more reports does the government need saying the same thing? At least the Rahui's just get on with it - no beauacracy.

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the poor knights is a reserve and yes comms and reccs are fishing right along the boundary same Goat island,goat island is also subject to after hrs poaching.

Said it before and will say it again ,if any group is dead serious about saving stocks.There needs to a ban from fishing 1 mile from the shoreline including outer lying islands.Yes it will affect those in dinghies etc but how else do you protect stocks??the qms is not working unenforceable Rahuis (not backed by MPI/fisheries)will only work for those of us who will abide but poachers/black marketeers wont care. There is not enough police/fisherary vessels/staff to monitor the coast.

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9 hours ago, harrytom said:

Agree.something needs to happen now but the issue for me.will this set a precedent and other Iwi closing areas off with no consultation what's next ? Local beach locked off for Iwi use only 

I think you'll find that a rahui INCLUDES prohibition on iwi use. In fact I'd say they are more likely to observe it than your average reactionary pakeha.....

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2 hours ago, harrytom said:

Yes it will apply to customary take.no take.but won't stop those I volved in black marketing and we know who does most of it.

Who does most of it HT? 

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Hmmmm an interesting thread with some passionate views. Here’s my two cents worth.

First cent. Overfishing in the Hauraki Gulf is symptomatic of the global overfishing problem. Too many people (7.8 billion of us) wanting to eat more fish than is sustainable. Our species is like a plague of locusts consuming everything on the planet. We are aided in this by continuing advances in technology: from bone fishhooks to hardened steel ones, from small wooden waka to ocean going factory trawlers.

Second cent. What we have seen in the Hauraki Gulf (and are still seeing) is a “tragedy of the commons” where individuals exploit uncontrolled or lightly regulated natural resources in flagrant disregard for the common good. That was true for the mussel dredgers of yesteryear as it is today for the greedy ratbags, commercial and recreational, that overfish.

I say good on the iwi and everyone else taking the initiative to impose rahui, establish more marine reserves, re-establish mussel beds, etc.

On a personal level, I used to be a typical Kiwi scuba diver that only went diving to search for crayfish and scallops. After living and diving in overfished areas in UK and Far East I came to realise how precious our local marine life is. Now I only dive to sightsee and occasionally fish for the family table (usually unsuccessfully!).


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On 3/05/2021 at 12:22 PM, Fish said:

What ever HT. There is legislation for iwi to go to MPI for 2 year no takes, there is no legislation for iwi to block off beaches for their own use. You are just being outright alarmist with that one.

Well "Fish" I hope you saw the news tonight as a court judgement has been passed which gives the Hapu/Iwi between Whakatane/opotiki foreshore and seabed rights . Iwi have said they will not stop commercial fishing but will seek a partnership for such activities. Is this the tip of the iceburg?? watch this space.

Oh does go further including fresh water systems.

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13 hours ago, harrytom said:

Well "Fish" I hope you saw the news tonight as a court judgement has been passed which gives the Hapu/Iwi between Whakatane/opotiki foreshore and seabed rights . Iwi have said they will not stop commercial fishing but will seek a partnership for such activities. Is this the tip of the iceburg?? watch this space.

Oh does go further including fresh water systems.


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Here is the Herald article "Fish" interperupt the last sentence how you see fit.But I would suggest 10/20 yrs it will be closed.



The party's other co-leader Rawiri Waititi added that, "All land upon which there is significant traffic by way of fishing and or boating has been found also to be within Māori rights.

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Fishing, diving and spearfishing to be banned in Mōtītī Protection Area

A new marine protection area has been confirmed near Mōtītī Island, off the Bay of Plenty coast.

The new blanket ban will mean recreational, commercial, and customary fishers, divers and spearfishers will no longer be allowed to anchor on or take marine life from the three reefs making up the Mōtītī Protection Area.

These are Ōtaiti Astrolabe Reef which was the site of the 2011 Rena oil spill, Motuhaku Island Schooner Rocks and Motunau Plate Island.



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