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Everything posted by Dambo

  1. From the album: Pics

  2. I want a Mr Bobble Head giant head of this guy to wear on my cat. Because I am a cat sailor.
  3. https://www.wilcomarineservices.co.nz/InflatableBoatServicing.html
  4. I like this suggestion. I replaced my forward beam a year ago with whatever Urlich had - I recall they only had 1 that fitted/was the correct diameter.
  5. Awesome! Welcome to the family
  6. This is the biggest issue. Twits who take liberties with other people's lives in order to have 'an adventure' - that's a whole next level of narcissism >
  7. I'm currently dip-reading John Glennie's book, people doubted their story too. Couldn't believe it, total fantasy etc, etc, On the other hand this story sounds really confusing and more than a little bit BS. I too like the movie/book/publishing rights conspiracy theory. Another idea: in the year's worth of supplies were some freeze dried mushrooms bought in Amsterdam
  8. FYI, she's GOP (Glass Over Ply) not GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic) David, the aluminium would have to be pretty thick compared to say mild steel...?
  9. I'll .... third that, on the Delta - I still have mine sitting in the front yard - not much use with my eGBE. A bit heavy/big but fun to sail, great tender, motor/row etc.
  10. Nah come and do the CC on a Ross 930
  11. Dambo


    I hope they extend Halsey Wharf, but do it properly so the space can be used in the future for superyachts and other events. (and don't touch Westhaven)
  12. Because it's a nice idea in theory. I know people who have tried this method on relatively small boats (8.7m 9.2m) unsuccessfully. A large steel boat? Nope.
  13. Crew shirts? I thought this
  14. I had a couple of 15" Subs powered by a ????w amp with 2x 6" and 2x 7" speakers in the cockpit. If you play this on your home theater system you can gain an appreciation for why the picture is distorting at the beginning of this video: https://www.facebook.com/683447847/videos/vb.683447847/10153071214947848/?type=2&theater I particularly like the 'drop' at 1:29 and my son's "Holy sh*t!" I've gone to the faster side now and such a system would be too heavy on my already overweight EGBE - I did miss it last summer
  15. There's one in the boot of my car Phil - if you came and raced with us this w/e I could put it in your hand
  16. There is some money in this pool huh?
  17. That yacht is definitely a W26 and Smokey Joe has been in the Devo mooring field for a wee while now. Very sad. f**king pished sea-plow owner.
  18. Bugger. I don't like pyrotechnics but you make a good case here.
  19. Oh sh*t the Pixies! Bugger. Bugger! bugger! bugger! bugger!
  20. That's us full, Me, Liz and these three. Sin - we're not pulling out halfway to go drinkies now.
  21. That's me, a HD crew member and two others. So cramped space for one more...
  22. I have my Son's 18th on the Saturday so need a ride back to Akl ASAP after the race. Please PM me here if you're able to help.
  23. Any other multihulls going to take part? My crew is keen.
  24. I was thinking about all of these things on Monday as we navigated my EGBE up the harbour, speeding up on the gusts and surfing the enormous wake made by various sea-plows passing within spitting distance - it was so busy and packed, it felt like threading a needle - no adherence to the rules anywhere as far as I could see. As we weren't racing, we were conscious of staying clear of the classics and other race boats (heaps of dinghy racing going on in the Rangi channel) Great view of the classics as they came around Stanley Point buoy - we were about to tack away from 'a' racing classic
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